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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Jesse Jacksons biracial cousin
  2. Challenging Paul is soooo last year. The new in thing is to call out Patterson... in Mexico.
  3. She found it for under $400 and couldnt pass it up. I almost got clothes
  4. Wifey brought this home today. Too bad Im too sick to put any rounds through it http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/xd.jpg Oh well, I can finally check .45 off of my list of things to get!!!! Man stoppers ftw!
  5. Cant have trailors in my housing development I did find that uhaul would be $80-100 to rent a trailor and a pick up truck for trails. Knowing that I would gladly give a CR member $50 for that. With the wood I'll just make multiple trips. Damn I miss my envoy!
  6. Ill have to check tomorrow
  7. Over the next month a bunch of supplies to build a deck, fence, and tow the ta to the track. Looking to rent because Ill need it off and on. I saw that home depot and lowes rent trucks.... Dont you have to buy tue wood from there to rent one?
  8. Need a referral for a place to go and rent a truck for a day or three. Something that can haul a good size load.
  9. V8 Beast


    Proposal to prevent theft: 1. Place a flammable device in the car radio that ignites when more than 20 feet away from the car. 2. Look for the guy on fire.
  10. I like the height of those springs.
  11. That is a little hoe moe seshual
  12. Doubt it, I rode the cota bus for 10 years of my life. I just like the fact that I can get to work without tranfers. And that jeep is already in the works of replacing my wifes stratus. I love those things!
  13. I never understood over-dressing the inside of a car. As long a I can reach the radio and the steering wheel doesnt prevent me from getting satisfactory road head I'm good to go.
  14. The only reason I like it is because it look like a cheby.. duh
  15. If I ever considered something like this it would be a big heavy powerful 11 second modded tow toy. They dont make cars like they used to.. My V8 TA gets better gas milage than the V6 stratus and edge.
  16. 5.7-liter Hemi V8 360hp 390tq. 14 city, 20 highway in 2WD, and 13 city, 20 highway in 4WD. http://image.motortrend.com/f/30514463+w750/2011-dodge-durango-rt-front-grill.jpg http://image.motortrend.com/f/30514583+w750/2011-dodge-durango-rt-front-3-quarters-view.jpg http://image.motortrend.com/f/30514574+w750/2011-dodge-durango-rt-dash-view.jpg http://image.motortrend.com/f/30514460+w750/2011-dodge-durango-rt-engine-view.jpg It looks better (imo) and from the sounds of it performs better. Could a tune and mods help with the shitty gas milage? if so I may end up getting a used one in 2014
  17. We do not pay our mods. Rather than deal with complicated monetary methods of payments we hold quarterly circle jerks. My assumption is Brian would like to increase the frequency of these meetings and include more lube as Ben's rough hands caused him to chafe last time out. The above are all requests that we would be more than happy to discuss.
  18. No Steve, Brian is an intricate part of what keeps this site going. As a valued Moderator we want to do everything in our power to help him enjoy and fluorish in his role here at Columbusracing.com
  19. From the sounds of it you are not happy with your role within the organization. If you wish we could discuss this in my virtual online office with HR (Tina) present. Let me know, I am eagerly awaiting your response.
  20. Real ****** dont rock sleeves.. but we like leaves Wtf!
  21. Resentments are the rocket fuel that lives in the tip of my saber... a saber I have full control over unlike you... http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lhuqlmSSQB1qhkq6oo1_250.gif If not you should be.
  22. I was acting before. I’m tired of pretending I’m not special. I’m tired of pretending I’m not a total bitchin’ rock star from Mars. Val has nothing to do with this.
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