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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Z fag I miss him. Addition to my list... 6. We need more "punching bags". No one is here to fill that role so Zfag took it all. Usually we have like 5 people no one likes that helps to feed the wolves. After about 8 months of being beat they turn cool and we pick on someone else.
  2. Most of the filtering happens in the oven. Just think of how many of the butthurt didint even make it in. I couldnt imagine what they would do in here if they cant handle the small jabs there.
  3. This is 100% my opinion. 1. People that post need to be more witty. Its like a bus of convicted retards turned over and the fucks found a laptop and registered here. I really dont care much for the fighting as much as I liked the comic relief that came from the fights. 2. Too many trolls, not enough assholes and neutral players. Posting off topic is fun until until 10 people are doing it. 3. More call outs from people. I understand the no street racing rule, but there are like 5 other types of racing. The I dont do the track thing gets old. 4. Old heads need to start caring and being competitive again. As you noticed the older crowd is all buddy buddy. No call outs, no reason to dump $1000's to be king shit. We even share cars... shits kinda homo-seshual. I am part of this and apologize. Instead of calling out Scott I tell him how nice his car looks and ask for ride alongs. 5. Weekly meets of 50 plus need to start happening again to help fuel the content for romper room discussions. Most of us dont know each other so the conversations are general and lacking substance.
  4. ... 5th April 2011 6:39pm Expired 0 I wonder if this shit will work V8 Beast
  5. Gabe only has 4... The last one was a mods doing. He's like the tiny guy in prison that cheated on his taxes.
  6. Sam... racing on water = more fun than racing on land?
  7. So what you are saying is you want another cat?
  8. That was 1 of your 9 infractions (that were reported). Ever think that if you stopped shitting in the for sale section on your first warning instead of number 5, and hot-linked some of those nudes you wouldn't be sitting in front of the firing squad smoking a newport. There is a fine line between having fun and giving other people more work to do. Hals an asshole but Ive still only had to ban him once... and he literally asked me to do it. This is why the romper room sucks. You all cry like little bitches and post why is sucks every other week instead of posting shit to make it better. Its the mods fault, my keyboard is in the shop for repairs, blah, blah, blah. I'm pretty sure there will be a thread posted up soon about how I hurt all of your emo feelings by calling you all bitches.... bitches. Now if you dont mind I'm going to go back to posting random shit to amuse myself while I'm at work.
  9. http://www.thehomeplanet.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Shaking_head.gif I r dissapoint
  10. Trying to battle via cell phone while sitting in a board meeting is kinda tricky... buy I understand if you want to part ways. How would you like your ban sir? I heard it tastes great with fries and slaw.
  11. To avoid the need for continued posting I made a template. Everytime Hal posts in the below format please use my template along with two words below to form a rebuttal. If done properly my work here is done. Isn't your __A___ to ___B____ running a little thin now? A Ability Inability Confusion Lack of understanding understanding Ratio B Troll Illegally race Post BS E-battle Gabe Properly Prostitute Trans Am Old Zinc Cobra Roll race Run a Quarter mile Penis
  12. Isn't your inability to differentiate an insult from a joke running a little thin now? Maybe you should stick to one thread at a time until you get back into the swing of things. you appear to be a little rusty.
  13. Feed Chad to a Lion. Its not murder, its the circle of life /pointless instigation
  14. Yeah, I beat the pussy up every night to stay in shape
  15. Aren't your posts saying things are running a little thin running a little thin now?
  16. I vote snake food. Thats not inhumane.. its the circle of life.
  17. I know, Hal asked so I had to address it. I cant stop what people do in Mexico.
  18. If they say its in Mexico I have to assume they are telling the truth. If its not in Mexico and something happens they are grown men and will have to deal with the consequences. BTW... Columbus Racing does not condone illegal street racing.
  19. P.s.s... Erik is on a level higher than me. He just telepathically told me to tell you all to kiss his ass.
  20. Bitch p.s. Im on such a high level that calling you a bitch is how I negotiate races. If I say fuck you then its locked in.
  21. I'm calling out Gabe on the 22nd. Best reaction time gets $50. I'm on such a high level I dont even race anymore. I just react and stop.
  22. I am honestly considering selling the TA and picking up one of these. The 5.0 had me on the fence, the boss it trying to knock me over it... Add a supercharger and a few suspension mods and run 10's all day long. Damn you Ford!!!!!
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