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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Wrong, hopes and dreams are what makes strippers think practicing dance moves will result in more money. CR is run on man musk and whiskey.
  2. It takes 3 gallons of mango tea for CR to run properly
  3. Grasshopper I think he went to DC.
  4. Where you around when the IPS Rob stuff was so bad the site was shut down? P.S. While you were gone Chris left Ohio
  5. Spud is pound puppy from CAHS. I took him in about a month ago. I should have just fostered him but I took him in thinking it would be good for my other dog to have a friend.... My other dog thinks he's annoying I learned a new lesson. A dog that thinks he's a human doesnt need other dogs around to have fun. $25 rehoming fee. Thats $75 less than what I paid and you get a dog thats caught up on his shots, knows sit, down, up, come, and answers to his name. Spud is on the right. 69-75lbs beagle retriever mix. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_20110222_231322-1.jpg?t=1299368806
  6. The torch has been passed to Hal. In a very short amount of time he has managed to get you, Eli, and Tilley to post in the same thread! If Kevin posts a graph then the prophecy will be complete and the Kitchen shall rise again!
  7. What time do we usually break? I figure 60 minutes before that would be enough time to fire it up and get some food cooked. Does anyone have one of those bunsen burner type of things that caterers have to keep the food warm after its cooked?
  8. Changed the name of the for sale section to the for For Sale Kitchen. Awaiting awesome ebattles over the price of a George Forman Grill between Tilley and Eli.
  9. I changed the name of this place for 5 minutes nothing changed. Hal = wrong. /thread
  10. If you change the name... they will come
  11. Changed Hals name to the kitchen, romper room got better and he went for a jog... http://img.youtube.com/vi/nFVpaQGltrI/0.jpg
  12. Just changed the name of my living room the the kitchen and cooked an egg on my couch Magic
  13. Changed my name to Jose and got spanish bitches and free Chipotle Magic
  14. Changed my name back and life sucks again /magic
  15. I just changed my first name and all the bad things in my life went away.. Magic
  16. Before we get too far into this we need to find out who's going to man the gril that we dont have yet lol. Feeding 100 people isnt easy. My wife can put in an hour.... thats all you get because an hour on the grill is 60 minutes that I have to watch my own kids.
  17. Looks like Ive been busy Hearing people cry about their infractions makes my life complete.
  18. fyi... we wont permaban you. We have people here that have done worse than you. You were part of the first successful scared straight trial.
  19. Its not gay if it hurts.. Growing up sucks! Things that are more important than racing to an old guy 1. Perfect house to entertain other old people 2. Purchase of a convertible vette 3. Ergonomicly designed cane 4. Best tasting prune juice 5. Jailbait for a wife 6. Adjustable beds 7. Shotguns 8. Blue pills 9. Fishing 10. Golf
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