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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I hooked the computer up to my tv so I no longer need the monitor. Best Buy has them for $160, Amazon for $130, so I figured $90 for a slightly used monitor would be a good price. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_20110227_033949-1.jpg
  2. I'm with Doc. Grab your user manual, or go to the back of the car annd look for this.. http://ecomodder.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/20070514-toyota-logo.jpg J/K did it only happen once? I heard of a few issues with tunes where the idle would be wierd while in reverse. But I dont think that would be enough to cause a 5500 rpm surge. Cable, pedal, spring, stuck plate????
  3. A second one is already in the works. Just waiting for a date
  4. Don't try to get into a battle of wits with me... Compared to me you would be considered mentally paraplegic (this is a short comeback for calling me ignorant). I said more than 4 corral threads. If you go back and count the "threads" you do have more than 4 total. I didn't say 4 this year.. that would be you assuming that's what I meant. Average reading and comprehension (a gentle stab at your comprehension level for making me do extra work) would have helped you reach a conclusion that we bypassed the 6. (I put it in bold for added effect, hope you like that). Things I said like "mods made the call" meant that you didn't hit the 6, and an exception was made. Otherwise they wouldn't have had to make the call because if you were at 7 it would have been a definite violation of the rules and a done deal. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/search.php?searchid=1593632. Everyone take a look at the corral threads. Dont stop in January 2011, go back further. Thats a lot of cars huh? Imagine if he was makin a $250 - $2200 profit on each one. You would think paying a little sponsor fee wouldnt be anything. Especially to someone that doesnt support local functions.... (This is the section where I get forum buy-in. I like to think of it as crowd participation) Like stated.. if you dont like it there is aways craigslist, and other free places to sell your cars. Trying to flame admins isnt going to help you there Einstein. Your answer to why was in my post that you quoted two lines of. Now if you calm down and read rather than allow yourself to be blinded by frustration and assumptions we could move on to something else. (Dismount, and flawless landing)
  5. Dear people that should start their own used car lots, The rule (for a long time) has been that if you use CR repeatedly to sell items, or advertise for the reason of making a profit you'll be asked to pay sponsor fees. This rule is that with a number attached to it. The same thing happened to Tim when he started selling cornholes. We let him sell a few and once they started moving he gladly paid to be a sponsor. A few pm's to mods basically showed that JP was making a pretty nice profit from that car and using CR to possibly help in that. He was one of the main reasons for the changed rule so a decision was made that he would have to be a sponsor to continue selling cars here. The time frame of buying the car and selling it for $2000 more can be considered flipping cars and the mods made the call. If it was his first or even 4th corral thread then it probably would have been ignored. Making a profit is not at all bad. Doing it repeatedly isn't bad either... just know that if you keep doing it you will be contributing to track days, car shows, etc through sponsorship fees. Its not up for debate and it wont change anytime soon. There are other avenues to sell your items if you do not agree or like this. 6 is a pretty high number that 99.9% of the board will never reach. Peace an love, B.C. P.S. water is wet
  6. You got a spare? I've been known to do something strange for some change...
  7. Thanks everyone. I got the thing for free through work so paying 40 to have someone install a "new" drive into it was a no no. Now paying to upgrade it a little I'm ok with.
  8. Need some help... My daughter decided to hit my sons netbook and now I get a boot error and it says the hard disk does not exist. I pulled it, tried everything possible and it just wont read it. I called HP and some foreign guy reading from a script told me it would cost $40 to ship it in for service. Knowing I get a huge discount for shipping I asked for the address and he refused. Its a HP Mini 110–3098NR Netbook.. Does anyone know where I can get a replacement hard disk for a decent price? I dont think I know what to search for because its taking me in circles. P.S. Being in the customer service field myself I want to throw this shit in the trash for the very reason that they have over seas call centers. I spent 20 minutes repeating myself. He couldnt even spell Brian!!! "Brian = Bryioan.. WTF!!!!!!
  9. http://i49.photobucket.com/albums/f267/llouiss/spinning.gif
  10. I'm scared by real talk, and thats real talk.. ahhh!!!!!! I just got scared, thats real talk.. ahhh!!!!!! It scared myself again, real talk... AHHH!!!!!..... Thats not funny
  11. I told Phil to stop doing that shit. Until he gets that last surgery he needs to go to the mens room.
  12. This weekend if things work according to plan.
  13. V8 Beast


    That would be my car, she hates evo's. I got the Edge as a job/family car and dropped enough for a new car into the TA so its her turn. Now I have to find her one so I can start shopping
  14. V8 Beast


    I'm just going to pay off the stratus and keep it until a deal pops up on a car we like.
  15. Bests 5 years ago before work took over my life Best lifts: Bench-355 Squat-500 Dead-595 Today Best lifts: Bench-310 Squat-Tendenitis in knees and a bad back makes me too scared to try Dead-Who cares, I have guns now If anyone is getting tired of their workout routine try buying an xbox kinect. I played that thing over the weekend and my 45 minutes on the treadmill nightly is nothing compared to that. You will start playing, look up and realize 3 hours have passed.. My entire body hurts...
  16. The two that gave you positive rep more than cancels out the trolls that negative repped you. The first guys rep is worth 0
  17. I piss excellence so I dont give a shit where it lands
  18. Yup, between this and cars I think I'm good to go lol.. If this were a perfect world there would be a drag strip firing range where you were scored based on accuracy and time combined.
  19. Delivered, gave a brief tutorial, let me play with his toys, taught my son 37 different ways to kill a man, and was wearing a suit like a contracted killer http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMG_20110219_220425-1-1.jpg
  20. Blackout success. Woke up 20 minutes ago naked with pizza sauce on my nipples
  21. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=34554&highlight=night+crew Not a 5 page thread.. a 5 month thread lol!
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