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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I thought of that, but voiding the warranty on a car that pricey scares me... but then again I was thinking of upgrading the turbo, exhaust, etc
  2. 4g is an upgrade. Did you know that you have to have clearance to expand your network? You are only allowed to amplify your signal so much, and you are only allowed to build where you have been given clearance. You should read up on the FCC and wireless communications before posting. What really baffles me is you said they should lower plans just because they are big. Reread that first line in my post about being business minded. If the top two companies charge basically the same amount and are still 1 and 2 what reasoning is there to lower your profitability? When you add more people than smaller companies why should you proactively take money out of your own pocket? So of the entire United States you point out one place where your ATT phone works better than Verizon. Um.. its cell phone service. At least Di said from here to California. There are places where Verizon is not allowed to build towers.. same with ATT. I could show you a place where Boost mobile phones works and no other company does... but I wont because its a waste of time. Each company hase their own set of plus and deltas that can change with every 10 miles you drive. Its the nature of the beast. ~I have seperated quotes for the first time evarrrrr! It looks messy but Tim will be proud
  3. Should have said yes sir, no sir, and not worn a hoodie... oh wait, wrong thread.
  4. I went for a spin in one of the older ones (as the passenger). It was EXTREMELY comfortable. Down low I would like more torque, but once it gets going its pretty impressive. For a daily driver I would say yes if I had the money. The feeling of riding on a cloud with the extra power when needed would be awesome. For a fun car I would say no based on the price, weight, and its so comfortable you dont feel like you're going anywhere. For the price you could get a supercar with less weight and better handling. I absolutely love the styling, interior, all the Bently perks based on the video and pics. The car is all kind of badass! If I sold all of my cars and had to get just one in that price range this would be top 4.
  5. V8 Beast

    From Cincy

    Young grasshopper, I must welcome you to our humble site. You will find it quite comfortable and entertaining. As nice as it seems there are evils and ways you must avoid. With that being said I must urge you stay away from Phil. This may seem like a riddle of words to you at this point in time... However, soon the light will shine bright on the grouping of letters and bring forth a comprehension level that will make the above words golden nuggets of wisdom. Have a safe and fulfilling journey young one.
  6. Bens right. The cell phone can only do so much so I would have to assume over 1024 terabytes is close to impossible... for now. With 4g people will be able to hook up to xbox live so that would be pretty crazy to have millions of people playing call of duty through their cell phones. That may be more of the reason for the throttle than the iphoners.
  7. You make it into a multi-media message rather than a normal text and send it over. The network thinks of it as a picture message and lets the extra characters pass through without seperation.
  8. Yeah, most people probably use less than 10gb. I'm on my phone all day at work then my kids play on it when I get home so I have way too much usage.
  9. I get where you are coming from. Now look at it this way. Put the top users in the 500 terabyte usage area. That's enough usage for a hundred thousand customers being used by 1 person. If 100 of those customers reduce their usage or leave that's over 1 million people worth of network usage that's free'd up. If you expect 10 million iPhone users to come over (I'm exaggerating), with the growing number of data phone users already, you have to have a fail safe in case its too much for the network to handle. Rather than risk getting poor network marks you impact that small percentage group. Not only do you gain money from less network leaching, you also have millions of people that get to use their phones without complications. You dont have to keep moving on to a new 5% because that first 5% is using enough data for the entire company. Its either throttle it, or eliminate unlimited plans and charge overage. I like this idea more.
  10. So you are basically on suicide watch? Oh well, if you are permabanned before I get home from work... it's been real.
  11. Heads up for future reference... If you are unsure why something happened send a mod or admin a PM. We can see what happened and if need be undelete the thread. P.S. You should never side with Phil. If you are in an argument and he agrees with you I would highly suggest jumping to the other side. Just think of Phil as a homing beacon for a nuclear missile on a boat made of popsicle sticks.
  12. Its true in a lot of cases. Sprint has been putting in work lately.
  13. Tactical shit!!!! http://www.internationalist.org/vietnamnapalm1966www.jpg
  14. If crack had a dosage amount like Tylenol people would die less. If heroin was injected with clean needles people would die less. The argument around side effects holds more weight than the drugs being dangerous. Most abusers die or quit so you dont really get to see the long term effects. With clean drugs and testing we could find that crack causes strokes if used for too long, or crack permanently alters brain function. You really dont know. We also dont know if mass production and use will cause an increase in violent behaviour due to paranoia caused by drugs suck as crack cocaine. If you pay close attention with all the places you cant smoke without being fined you'll see tobacco is slowly on its way to the nono list. We could have fought harder but the bans just keep coming and coming. Maybe people should stop trying to legalize drugs and work on being able to openly use the drugs you do have...
  15. I'm with Phil. V8 Beast is a waste.
  16. I wish people were more business minded so I wouldn't have to explain stuff all the time. Its always woe is me from the guy using 1mb a month. Waggz I understand because he lives on his phone, but I doubt he would even come close. What this does is it forces those people that use their phone to constantly stream info for business, porn, etc to look for other avenues and free up the network. Its still unlimited, its just not going to be as fast. If you think you are in the 5 percentile of 100 million people then I would highly suggest you toggle the wifi that you more than likely have at home with your wireless service. The main point of this is to encourage people to use other resources when possible so that the entire network isnt slowed down when the iphoners come over. It does sucks ass for that 5%.. but that 5% is costing the company way more than they pay so is it all bad if they leave? Sprint and Tmobile dont possess the customer base to have to worry about this so they will be unlimited for a very long time. Post up how many megabytes you use so we can compare. I bet most are not even a drop in the pan compared to the 24/7 streamers. I use about 20gb a month on average.
  17. Omg, someone made a thread about the power,\! I must make another thread about his thread so I can complain. Troll troll troll troll troll OMG!@ Troll troll troll... This thread is so much better than yours because I made it ugh!! Omg!!11 Troll troll troll!!Nazi ein zien troll ZOMG!! %%% dkrue Ubejhebej frankenstein trolljfkdsrekdda;' cheeseXomhzomgZOMG!!OMGtroll troll snow lights!! ZOMG!!!troll TROLL Lets make a thread about peni$$$$$*(*(*%%%## Team German ZOMG@@@@!!!! Panduh post a gif
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