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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

  2. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

  3. Damn, glad to hear nothing happened to you.
  4. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

  5. If I thought you effers were serious I would ban the shit out of you. Instead I'll just delete it so I dont get 35 pm's asking me to ban you. Edit: For the record I laughed before I deleted it.
  6. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

  7. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

    The only thing missing from that pic are teabags...
  8. V8 Beast

    V8 Beast

    I just washed my balls.. you know what that means...
  9. Watch his back for what? Did someone get butt hurt by the new fish? I R confused...
  10. V8 Beast


  11. V8 Beast


    OOPER EXKITED!!!!!!!!!
  12. V8 Beast


    He already has one!!11!!!!11!!!!
  13. V8 Beast


    Incorrect... The correct answer was: All of the above
  14. V8 Beast


    Before or after he was "perma-banned" last time?
  15. A friend at work just got an 02 camaro and another has a 2010 camaro. I've already given them IPS's number, but I was curious.. does anyone else do aftermarket installs on lsx vehicles? We see IPS post a lot, but the other shops dont really post much (if at all) about these cars.
  16. V8 Beast


    My paypal is "mrbigpenis97@gmail.com" Send me $500 and I will ban who ever you want on sight for the next 3 months. Note: To have me banned you have to pay Anthony and Tina $1000 each. To Have a mod banned its $600.
  17. A good parent leads with motivation. They find a way to reward children for a job well done to help prevent having to use discipline on the back end. The problem is not the spankings... its the fact that too many parents are reactive rather than proactive. At the same time a good parent practices multiple forms of discipline based on the child and the way they respond. Just because it worked on you doesn't mean it will work on your kids. I gave my daughter 7 years before I resorted to spankings... instant results. My son on the other hand doesn't need spankings. My parents beat the shit out of me growing up so its funny seeing how saying I'm disappointed in him holds more weight than my belt. Like a said each kid is different. As a parent you have the right (to a point) to make that judgement call. You cant say either way is right or wrong as a whole, they both work. Timeouts have created rapists just as spankings have created murderers. Hell, some of the kids that were ignored completely have grown up to be great people. But thats a different subject. I will say one thing. People that were beat growing up are damn right for sure more likely to beat their kids. Why... because they know that shit works If I asked what your parents favorite belt was to beat you with a lot could give a response and would have a mini flashback! My dad had a leather belt with 100 holes that he said was for aerodynamic reasons. In the end he broke it on Big Steve's butt BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
  18. Sounds to me like she found the smallest room in the house to simulate prison. You hear a lot of stories about people in prison having nothing but their bible so that could be the reason for that. Then when he broke the rules he was treated worse, same as in jail... Way way way over the top for me, but that will be the kids life if they keep commiting crimes.
  19. Even a broken clock is right twice a day...
  20. I heard about him just under a year ago. kids got some skill. This was the first thing I ever heard from him.. I had this cleaned up, burned, and in rotation for a while too http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhXM-3YSaiQ&feature=related
  21. Who's tuning for IPS? Good luck with everything!
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