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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I changed my mind... I'm going to send the kids away. Take the wife to Montgomery Inn, then go home and watch a movie by the fireplace. Maybe add in some chocolate sauce and fruit. Afterwards I'm giving her the best gift ever... 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. Things are a lot easier after kids and 12 years of marriage
  2. Thanks Tim. I have to have a laid out plan of what needs to be done before they will give me an answer. We played the what if game for 10 minutes.
  3. I'm looking into doing a tub install but am wondering how to go about it without voiding out the structural warranty on the home (if its even possible) Its a shower now so the floor would more than likely have to be reinforced. The plumbing in already there for the most part. Its one of those 4 feet deep, 4 feet long walk in jacuzzi tubs. http://walkinbathtub1.com/cart/images/Walk%20in%20tub%202%204-27-09.jpg Wifey is tired of having to go to the kids bathroom to take a bath and this would fit without having to remodel the entire bathroom. Plus I could still use it as a shower with sliding glass doors added.
  4. Easy... Gifts, her favorite restaurant, then take her home and give her a massage in a candle lit bubble bathtub. Its not new like you said, but tried a true is safe. Middle ground... Flowers, gifts, and a hotel with a pool, room service, hottub, and continental breakfast in the morning that you feed her. Expensive... Take her out for a day of pampering (massage, hair, makeup, mani-pedi). After they get her all did up take her out to a place like M (if not already booked) and have the waiter give her the flowers just before the desert. From there do the hotel thing or the bubble bath at home. I'm doing number 1 and using the rest of the money saved from not doing 3 to pay off her car.
  5. My input to this thread http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wFgO_i4zVIU
  6. http://www.nnhs65.com/JLC/ani-laughing-woman.gif
  7. Am I suppose to come up there and fight with you so that you perform better P.S. I wish the jets or Saints were playing so that I would care about the soupbowl.
  8. Yeah, had a brain fart at the worst time possible.
  9. V8 Beast


    Here you go Dave, http://memimage.cardomain.com/ride_images/3/2806/2681/32013840005_large.jpg ~Love Dad
  10. Thats the kind of song that'll make you pull over and just start throwing 1's in the air :lol:
  11. I unholster my gun, check to make sure my kids are ok and call in 6 cops to kick the shit out of the guy. I would do it myself but if the guy was white the cops might mistake me for the burgler and kick the shit out of me
  12. http://www.thebodysoulconnection.com/EducationCenter/fight.html Here's an ok write up on it. This psyche of a black person with relation to cops triggers this often. When see videos like this, and hear stories your entire life, this triggers the fight or flight response. The more you see and hear about black people being abused by cops the more they become a threat. The above information grouped together with a high stress situation is the perfect recipe to trigger a fight or flight response. To say running is a sign of guilt can be true but its not a 100% correct science. Let say your friend looks behind you, yells oh shit and runs. You may likely respond by running as well before you even know what you are running from. At that point you are running from a possible threat. Deep down in many of our brains police officers are possible threats. The same thing that triggers people to pass a cop and take the next exit "just in case". Not because they are guilty of something, because they dont want to be made guilty of something. Hope that helps.
  13. Its a fight or flight mentality. Its not an admission of guilt, its a natural human response when found in a stressful/threatening situation.
  14. You are 100% right! If they run we should bypass our legal system, kick the shit out of them, and stick them right behind bars.
  15. You would hope that officers would be able to think on their toes to keep their brethren out of trouble. One kick to the wrong place and you just watched the person you are suppose to protect throw their livelyhood, if not their freedom away.
  16. In every fight I have ever seen there were always people breaking it up.
  17. Has anyone ever noticed that in videos where there are a group of cops doing this stuff none of them ever tell the other to stop? At the very best one watches, but still doesnt do anything to stop it.
  18. They gave us ipads at work. Love it 10x more than my netbook!
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