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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I got off of work early today so here is what I'm having... Marinated steak, smothered in onions Twice baked potatoes wth cheese and bacon Salad tiramisu ...and some purple koolaid
  2. V8 Beast

    cr sucks

    Yeah, its Ant and Waggz now as my jobs sole purpose is to prevent me from having fun, so setting up stuff isnt as easy for me as it once was. Keeping people off the streets for at least a few weeks while they prepare for a track day is part of the reason CR has them.
  3. V8 Beast

    cr sucks

    Best meet evarrrrr!!!
  4. Height? Weight? Estimated quickness on a scale of 1-10 Position? Able to pay $75 by next Monday? Football background? No need to answer publicly, just shoot me a pm. Trying to fill a few skill sets.
  5. V8 Beast

    Fun Game

    Started playing and got to level 20.. Now I have to be up in 6 hours. THANKS JONES!!!!!
  6. V8 Beast

    cr sucks

    To get someones address to meet them in person you have to talk to them first. I honestly wouldnt feel comfortable asking a member for an organizers address unless they had an actual business. The people I was working with are as close as you can be to the autox events. As far as image, there are plenty of CR members that do autox. Over half of the people that would go to the event would be the same that have already gone to events. With rentals you have to pay a deposit and in some cases pay before the race day. Its not them taking a risk, its us taking a risk by paying a deposit hoping people show up. Trying not to lose a deposit is pretty stressful, especially when it comes from the CR fund...
  7. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    Did you really just scroll down this far
  8. V8 Beast


    I post from my phone 90% of the time. I chalk it up to them being too lazy to look at what they are writing... but at the same time if I can understand it I dont cause a fuss.
  9. Monday night is the only day all of us have free
  10. That looks more organized than some of the test n tunes I've been too.
  11. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

  12. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    LOL. BTW, name rapage expires at 4 pages.. so does this thread.
  13. Voting so far.. Brian - In Mondays after 8 Steve - In Mondays after 8 Duff - In Mondays after 8 Dave - out for now Ice - In Mondays after 8 Brandon - In Mondays after 8 Leigh - In Mondays after 8 Open - Open - Open - Open -
  14. It was rec but 2 teams that killed us were forced to play rec instead of comp.
  15. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    I was walking funnny because the leopard thong was crushing my left nut
  16. Any interest in playing again? Starts 16th or 17th depending on what division we are in. Mens rec division is Mondays after 8pm Mens comp is Sunday after 6pm. It would $75 to play. With that $75 you will play at least 10 games. If we get the same team we had from before we need a long snapper and a bull rusher. You are allowed to make contact on the line so we need some big bodies!
  17. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    I cheat and use meh powas!! 3 pages. I have far exceeded my goal of lameness!!!!
  18. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    Sometimes I wish it was small so I wouldnt have to hear you complain about your jaw hurting.
  19. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    My hot co co ingredients: -2cups milk. -Heat on stove until warm -Insert large black male penis -Stir vigorously -Serve with cookies.
  20. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    If thats the case then I think you should have the underside of your tongue checked too...
  21. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    Best worst thread ever! P.S. Leighs dick is so small that technically he is constantly in a state of erection... With the herpes it looks like a little white lego piece.
  22. V8 Beast

    v8 beast

    CR does not condone "add in everything that is illegal here"
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