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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Go to any department store and look for headsets in the cordless phone section. You can get one with a mute switch, 2 settings for mic volume, and adjustable ear volume for under $20. I got a plantronics for $12 last time I broke one in a call of duty rage fit. Brain beat me to it
  2. V8 Beast


    I checked, it was 2 weeks.
  3. I was talking to your friend. The first part to having a girlfriend is being able to get to her. The second part is to make it there in a car that says, "hey, you should blow me and have sex with no condoms!". Not a bus pass or beater that say, "I want your dad to fist my loins".
  4. I had admin powers. For the right price you can have a all the post count your heart desires.
  5. They dont count in the romper room. I'm going to stay at 8000 forever!
  6. My wife grounded me because my girlfriend kept me out late after finding out about my mistress
  7. Buy my 03 stratus RT for $5k and put a turbo on it. 37k miles... you know you want it!
  8. Sure, but you have to wait until my wife leaves. I'm not allowed to have company today
  9. Missed the Lakers game, watching the repeat on espn.... and masturbating
  10. Dangggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg
  11. On a side note, have you seen the previews for the mechanic? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0u6GNu0jysQ GTO at 1:03? Female booty at :58? Puncture wound at :50? Explosion at 1:32? Guns at :15? Looks like a man movie...
  12. Find an interesting topic and change your post before the wolves attack you. Its 3am so you may still have a chance...
  13. Hells to the yeah. While everyone else was driving 2mph worried about the snow I was offroading and giving soccer moms the bird!
  14. Based on you taking this personally I hope you are at home and not on the freeway. If you troll up the streets the way you do here I would expect you to move as slow as a retarded camel, be all over the place, and do things that leave the common person stuck in a repeated state of face palm...
  15. No fair, I'm both. Would you rather bathe in a tub of fresh shit or Give a 75 year old man a hand job
  16. Easy, Watch Lorenzo Llamas double finger your Urethra. Eat 3 live gerbils or Have sex with a 700lbs woman covered in vomit edit... I post slow
  17. 14, LOL! Yeah, but its an easy gig. Usually you can find someone in the neighborhood that needs help watching kids until 6 or so and on dates nights. Since they cant drive it keeps it within walking distance, and they dont have to depend on Jason to drive them around.
  18. Wow! I have a stock firebird and live in Hilliard as well. We should be friends
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