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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Steve, he's black... Hell yeah he deserved it. This post is no way a reflection of CR or its management. Brian is an independent asshole acting under his own power. Further unlawful duplicating or copywriting of Brians greatness is prohibited.
  2. I supply him with the weapons, drugs, and hooded sweatshirts.
  3. Last one My neighbor was called in as back up for a routine stop that turned into a search. Upon arriving he saw a gay guy dressed like a drug dealer throwing a tantrum. Searching the car turned up no drugs or weapons, just racquets, nike headbands, and a blow up doll. The guy thought he was recording the conversation but he actually called V8 Beast by mistake who talked to his officer friend while the perp was being cavity searched.. (Hilarious story)
  4. Jets took too long to put their man pants on
  5. V8 Beast

    Mods Poll

    Voted for douchebags 33 times
  6. Worst part is she said she did it because she didnt want to be late for church
  7. My neighbor pulled over a woman once who was going 60 in a 35. In asking her why she was speeding he said she flashed her boob and said there is more of it in there for him if he let her go with a warning... she was 73 He was drunk when telling most of these stories so Im sure some of them are fake, but still hilarious.
  8. V8 Beast

    Cops Poll

    I guess we can sum up all of these threads as treat people with respect. If the cop is giving you shit politely ask for the badge number and report them. Be the bigger person and follow the appropriate actions to lift up any concerns about the way you or someone you know may have been treated. Question.. does the lowest rank military personel out-rank the lowest ranked police officers? What happens if a cop is being a dick to someone in the military? Do they have to treat them with repect too, or since they risked their life as well are they allowed to be an ass back?
  9. This other time my neighbor pulled over a car full of foreign people. In searching the car for drugs they found two more people in the trunk... one of them ran. Him and his partner were laughing so hard they didnt even chase him. Think weeman from jackass (Hilarious story)
  10. Public relations is a big part of the officers job. If people reported them more it wouldnt happen as often. I personally hate the bend over and take it mentality. Side note, my neighbor got a stern talking to for driving by a girl changing her tire and not stopping to help. She drove into the station on her donut to report him.. then her car broke down on the way out (Hilarious story)
  11. V8 Beast

    Cops Poll

    My neighbor was a Hilliard cop and one of the coolest people I have ever met... but he also told me stories about being a complete dick to people on purpose (stories were hilarious!!!). I choose all of the above
  12. Phil made it up so that people would fight
  13. Respect for putting your life on the line gets lost the second you profile me or treat me like shit for no reason. I have talked to cops about my car on the side of the road, played basketball with them in full uniform... I have also had other cops call my mom a bitch, and tell my little brother to get out of Dublin and never come back. You cant judge them all as good or bad. Some of them get a heart felt fuck you while others I respect and appreciate. As officers, they initially get respect just because they put on the suit. But its also what they do in that suit that earns more or loses my respect. The /
  14. Sorry, I meant how many people here would get pulled over if they had race cars or left their keyboards occasionally.
  15. Plus they can claim slurred speech, glassy eyes, smells, suspicious behaviour and all kinds of things as reasons to search. He called in for back up first and more than likely covered himself along the way.. Since you said it happens a lot in that area Im sure hes a pro a c.y.a.
  16. I'm see where Ben is coming from, but rules/laws are there and still need to be followed. After Phil stopped fighting and said I will accept the ticket it should have been over. Sounds like some muscle flexing for no other reason than to inconvenience you... which they can do if they cover their ass right.
  17. How many people on this site do you think have been harrassed because their cars "look" fast? Being in the wrong neighborhood? Fitting a certain stereotype? Etc.. etc... etc..
  18. Translation: Bend over and take it. Dont plead your case or ask for clarification. Make their job easy so they can move on to giving other drug dealers tickets for not wearing their seat belts.
  19. Good, he pulled over the right car this time.
  20. As cool as that car is I will always need my american muscle.
  21. Be stuck in traffic for 2 hrs with 3 musty mexicans with 0 air, can't open the doors or windows, and the heat has to be on full in the summer. Thats pretty much a Carter family trip.. except we are not mexican Would you rather I perma-ban Blumach, Pat, krampus, and the 350 z guy or Take aways Phils ability to post new threads forever
  22. If you need one now just stop by walmart or bestbuy. Best buy has a better selection.
  23. Dont buy the actually 360 headsets, they are a rip off.
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