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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. If you need one now get a samsung fascinate, root it, clear out the unwanted programs, and enjoy. The droid x has better video functions, but the screen quality isnt as good.. plus its bulky. The fascinate would be more comfortable for you coming from an iphone. I would wait for the LTE phones if I were you. Give yourself more of a choice rather than being locked into something with something better available.
  2. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    Yup... have heard of ties being enforced, no shorts, etc. Its up the the judge. Usually it doesnt lead to an arrest.. but then again if a judge asks you to leave because you are in shorts most people just leave. Emo boy should be embarrassed.
  3. Thanks for holding it for me Derek. Ill be over to get it after I get my bonus.
  4. http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2348/2131053783_ae56d1021a.jpg
  5. V8 Beast

    Free Pete

    The 8894th Amendment: Right to wear hats
  6. I'm in a different environment. There are a few occasions where they will ask for 100% focus but thats rare. Comprehending what my director is saying, while texting the associate director, and giving my employees direction through messaging is a way of life in my world. At the same time I drop my phone like a bad habit when I leave work and dont touch it again until the next morning. P.S. If I get an important call while I'm in line ordering something I apologize, answer it, then put the person on hold until I am done ordering, ( or tell them I will call them back). If I see one more person on a phone in line acting like the worker is interupting their conversation I will go crazy!!!! Put the damn phone down, order your stuff, and move on!! Pointing at the damn menu rather than saying what you want... UGH!!!!!!!!
  7. I would get the LS2 due to the weight difference. Having that extra 10-20 with the added weight could come in handy. Face it, in 9 months that GTO is going to be modded, and you know this mannnnnnn!!!! More hp, and beefier tranny in the LS2 GTO's. If you are hard on the car the extra money will be worth it. If its a fast grocery getter and you truly reallly really are not going to mod it save the cash.
  8. V8 Beast


    http://www.capedwonder.com/images/picture-folder/images/Donner-years/promo/CW_STM-desert-finger-point-02.jpg Super gay 7 left
  9. V8 Beast


    http://www.cshr.org/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/finger-point1.jpg This guy is even worse than the last. I hear he jerks off into nike socks and gets paid for it. 8 left
  10. V8 Beast


    http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/123/l_6de652e9466978ddfa408816a7e44dcd.jpg One of the 10 worse than that guy. 9 left
  11. V8 Beast


    I can name 10 people worse than him. As a matter of fact I will call them out as I see them. P.S. Phil, you are 3 posts away from being the first member banned from everything but the chatbox.
  12. I'm not your dude, pal!
  13. I spy with my little eye.... pots calling kettles chicken soup
  14. Trying some of that later just to do it :nod:
  15. I love the idea, but that is a lot of money for a race car. For that price I would like to see more door and roof
  16. V8 Beast

    good 1911

    I'm taking you and Scott gun shopping with me in March. Clear out your schedule
  17. If ignorance is truly bliss then some of you guys lead very happy lives... Locking it up.
  18. If you try to upgrade anywhere that's directly linked to Verizon (where you have to enter your number) its going to make you change your plan before the order goes through. If you upgrade online you will notice there is a step to make sure the plan is compatible with the phone. That's the point where is recognizes an outdated plan and forces a change to proceed. Think about it this way, the plan was discontinued for a reason. If it wouldn't cause for an adverse change it would have already been taken from you. Since that would result in many customers jumping ship it was grandfathered instead. At this point you are locked into that plan until you make a change. Luckily these days you can buy at a discount from millions of other places so its not as big of a deal as it used to be.
  19. This thread will self destruct in 20 minutes...
  20. LOL at you being profiled by CR.
  21. In after the welcome back and before the goodbye again thread
  22. I cant believe people would actually say you should expect to be treated bad because you wear comfortable clothes. On a Sunday with a temp of 12 degrees I'm picking the sweatshirt and boots over the polo and gators every damn time!
  23. Done. And I'm done whoring up this thread. Later jerks!
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