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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Your name is Tractor... I bet you have a tractor you drive with pride and an American flag draped across your heart. I applaud you my fellow American... I applaud you like a stripper with no hands or legs that has to make her booty clap. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_BOIebpaAlTo/TNwRfjmxDqI/AAAAAAAAAoM/s0CMQypgTJ4/s1600/american-flag.jpg
  2. This is how you properly debate. See how he covers himself by saying there is an exception thus taking away an easy comeback. General in areas while specific in others... David is doing just enough to prove a point while leaving the conversation open. And not just randomly open, open in a way to steer the conversation his way. A good debate is like a game of chess and slowbalt is playing checkers. I applaud you again sir.
  3. This is how you troll correctly. See how he stops in and makes random comments before heading off to another thread. If you troll in one place for too long people become annoyed with you. We may get tired of Michael from time to time but never enough for serious talks of bans or beheadings to arise. He comes in and purposely tries to get on select members nerves. I can bet that every time he has hit submit in this thread it was done with a devilish smirk on his face. Applause to you my friend... applause to you.
  4. Does anyone have a paperweight of a 360 sitting around I can use for an experiment? Broke beat up whatever, I just need one that powers on.
  5. The only thing you are guilty of is getting sucked in. He didnt want to use the search button and is now the most ignored/blocked/hated person on CR. Between this and his his posts in the xbox thread I'm going to let him go until there is no one left to respond to.
  6. http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y59/14biggy/tilleysuit.jpg
  7. What do you call doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results?
  8. No, these guys have played together for years and were forced to play rec league. They had a very nice team. Every game we learn something new. One of these days we'll be in position to do the teaching.
  9. Its the truth that we are not going to see change until we do it ourselves. Its too bad that we are so divided as a country that it will probably never happen. Its not even like we are divided in half. We have countless sections of people all wanting something different. Finding an equal medium is impossible. I for one dont look to the government for change. They are just another bill collector. The only change I expect is how much they want me to pay them.
  10. LOL! I watched the video and we couldnt have done anything with that guy even if we tried. He threw better when he was pressured and scrambling. The only time we stopped them they actually stopped themselves. We need to work more on out scoring people and less on d. 5 on 5 isnt enough to cover the entire field. Going through all the tapes every team has huge gaps no matter what they do. I'll be Steves center since he will be back 12 yards and Ice will be Phils since Phil needs to be close for the runs to work. Phil, Romeo, and Ice are our run package. (I'll come in for an extra blocker if needed). Leigh, me and Steve will be the pass package. We'll rotate around a lot next game just to keep the other team honest. Defense we are going to start gambling. This league isnt made for defense so we should at least get our moneys worth. Blitz hard and often and if they score who cares they were going to any damn way. If we get 2 picks or a few sacks a game its worth it.
  11. 1. Start a thread telling us you got the phone. Great start! 2. Start a thread asking about apps and rooting 3. Ask ways to improve your battery life 4. Start a thread stating reasons that the droid is better than the iphone 5. Chime in on every phone thread from here on out saying why the droid is superior to all. p.s. The droid is superior to all! Download Angry Birds, Word Fued, Mini task manager, Astro file manager, Dolphin Browser, Handcent SMS, brightness control widget, scientific calculator, History eraser, Mabilo ringtones, and Pandora.
  12. I applaud you for your response. Well done sir.
  13. I will keep this simple. There are people all over the nation that voted for him. Yes more people did show up to vote for him just for the color of his skin but not all of them were uneducated like you. I say you are uneducated because it takes a certain kind of ignorance to make a blanket statement like that in a public discussion. Yes he got more votes for being black, thats obvious. However believing in what he is saying does not make you uneducated.. it makes you hopeful. In a way you contradicted yourself. You said they only voted for him because he was black and didnt know anything. Then you said they liked the change he was offering. To like what he is offering in a way means you are educated in what his party is trying to do and trusting in them to deliver... right? Your statement could mean many different things so thats why I'm asking. Democrats all across the board voted for him just because he was a democrat and they are true to their party. To me that is just is bad as voting for him because of who he is. The change he promised tricked the rich people that fed him money just as it did the lower class people that believed in him. Ultimately the people voting for him are just as uneducated as the people posting here that think they know whats going on but dont. People please stop coming on here trying to sound smart while implanting feet in your pie holes. This is the reason why cr banned political threads for so long. Please think or do some research before you type. Tim.. can you disect the rest of his post for me please? I spent to much time trying to make my reply pc annd have to go work on my car.
  14. V8 Beast


    I like you... no homo
  15. Leigh if you are on O then we can get someone else to play d. Its not going to be an easy game, they have a better record than us.
  16. Be careful doing that. If it isnt completely rinsed off it will mess some things up.
  17. Do you get 24 hours out of it?
  18. The volt? I would buy every car on the list except for that thing. Everyone should go test drive one. At first you will be like, "cool display". After a quick drive a "meh" will follow. Its an ok car but not the best thing out.
  19. As a ref in a game that is already out of reach if its questionable you let the kid have his td... he earned it. They were just flag happy and half blind. The interception, fumbles, ect... the refs were bad.
  20. Yup, either you have to get one on your own or they give you the support to get it. Edit: The Army may have stopped their program to assist people get ged's. 94.6% of the people that enlisted last year already had diplomas.
  21. 99 yard run taken away by back officiating...
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