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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Be careful, too much badass has been known to cause excessive coolness
  2. Pressing the pause button until the afternoon. I'm tired as a monkeys uncle.
  3. There will be plenty of parking. We have 2 other spots that we can use as well... but its not about the size of the lot as much as it is finding a place that these keyboard warriors will actually go to. How many Advance meets have you attended?
  4. I set it up everything based on a group of people that could be a benefit to a business. The only time I used CR's name was at QS&L. The rest of the places I let them know that I was part of a large group that had an interest in organizing meets in their establishment. I didnt worry about using the name because they wouldnt know who we were anyway. You can set up what ever you want and post it in the events section without permission. We dont have to tag the CR stamp on all the meets. Set it up, see who joins, then worry about making it an official CR meet after there is a following.
  5. +1. Do you have kids?
  6. I set up events for a year before I was a mod. I set my own ideas and made them happen. Are you saying since you are not a mod you cant motivate people or help out??? If its so easy why sit back and do nothing? I know you want to do the charity thing, but what about the fun events that are just about having fun???
  7. You wouldnt because you get to sit at home and type while we do the hard work. And you would probably be the first guy yelling this isnt right when people didnt get a refund :gtfo:. People ask for track days so we try and give them track days. Ask anyone that actually does this (not someone that watches people do this) and they will tell you the same. Russ over on Buckeye goats comes to mind... ask him how easy it is. And you were right. Dan ignored Anthony, avoid was a bad choice of words.
  8. I would love to see you set up an event, deal with no one signing up, have tracks refuse to give your deposits back on days that rained, pay CR members back out of pocket that cant make the rain date, and still say is not difficult.
  9. He's never treated me like that, but I guess its because my anger management issues are worse than his... Who knows. People just need to grow a pair. The guy already said he avoided him on purpose based on the what Anthony said, so there really is no question behind that. The purpose of the fee was already covered 3 times in this thread (once by me). When we had our meeting with the track the owners said this, and its noted in the events info. In this case the track said we dont care, but we are not refunding you for 1.5 hours of lost time. To put that into perspectiv... last year at Kilkare they messed up and we started our rental 1 hour late. It cost the track $250.... Collecting from someone that knows they were leaking all the way down the track is different from someone realizing they broke 150 ft from the turn off. There's been wrongs and rights from both parties and honestly this thread ran its course hours ago.
  10. And triple it with a pic of Trails after Danny made his pass http://faculty.buffalostate.edu/smithrd/ExxonPix/cleanup.jpg
  11. Also consider that at any point in time Anthony could have banned him or messed up his account.... That never happened. He gave the guy a chance to tell his side of the story, even if it was in the middle of an e-battle.
  12. There is no need to change anything. Its not that he broke, its what happened after he broke.... Take a frustrating day at the track, add in a guy avoiding him, multiply it by attendees being even more pissed, and this is what you get. The entire thing could and should have been handled at the track. The main point of this thread is when you mess up (that bad) come see Anthony or myself... period. Avoiding either one of us will just make you look guilty and give us more reason to trust what we are hearing.
  13. Mountain dew, expresso, 5 hour energy, red bull, a no doze, and 5 cups of sugar all mixed together.... Its like nitrous for your heart.
  14. Wagner may have some. He has some pretty bad ass pics that he will upload when he has time.
  15. V8 Beast

    Backup Weapon?

    The more bullets the better... because in real life people that are getting shot at dont stand still
  16. Nice pics! I think the pic above should be the new CR logo
  17. Nah, I'm going to go do some yards work and take my son to my moms house.
  18. I'll give it about 30 more minutes. From the looks of it so far its not going to happen.
  19. I can see you're taking your regularly scheduled dose of meds lol!
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