How many of you are dealing with bad teachers?
I've noticed that some teachers feel its not their job to teach the kids. I have two kids and their teachers are like night and day. My son gets straight A's and can do his homework in 30 minutes. His teacher keeps contact with us and tells us the good and the bad. He tells us what our son needs to work on and offered pointers to help us out if needed. My daughter (who in 2 grades lower than him) gets unsatisfactories and is sent home with up to 2 hours worth of homework every night. The communication is horrible and all we ever hear are bad things. I'm a firm believer in the fact that its suppose to be a partnership between the parents and teachers, but I swear my daughters teacher is just there for a paycheck. I wouldnt be surprised if she has so much homework because they only do a fraction of the agenda while in class. Over the last 3 months my wife and I have been able to get my daughter where she needs to be, but it would have been nice to have more help from the school.
We spent so long trying to work things out with that teacher and I just realized the school year is basically over Bad teachers ftl!