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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/f218a6bd-1.jpg So Im going through Phils photobucket... Phil and Leigh are about to get their behinds kicked... never give them your address! Apparently my front door has been molested
  2. I dont like being out-gayed! I'm about 2 seconds from going to the bathroom and taking pics!
  3. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showpost.php?p=1509152&postcount=134 I need to add you to the list lol!
  4. I stalked your facebook page and Im pretty sure I met you before playing flag football. Didnt realize you were on here. Playing in the spring at sports Ohio. Be there :fuckyeah:
  5. Because I took that pic while we were in Canada.... son http://www.scottfromcanada.com/pics/mind=blown%20cover-FINAL-300x300.jpg
  6. Pictures of my muscles validate my comments and car pics.. check me on snopes brah! Just search I kick ass in real life because my muscles validate my comments and car pics.
  7. I kick ass in real life. Look me up on wikipedia bro... search "I kick ass in real life".
  8. OK but only if I get 6 cars, with you 4 cars back, and 10 cars ahead of the tree on a freeway 7 cars behind the 4 cars. Its warm out and my turbo doesn't hook in cold weather.
  9. You know you are a car guy if because race car troll gregface fag mcfaggot dig android roll chase is a race u scurred better than expectation super model turbo cool story bro ricer say it to mah face do my own installs u mad nitrous iPhone slammed diesel come at me bench race
  10. Bet you won't put "Tebow Time" on your shoot :gabe:
  11. Im a WS6store shopper... but Brandon might be able to work a deal out with you if you are buying multiple parts and doing installs. P.S. Ray has Eli Manning springs, those things are giants!
  12. If you are getting a dash cam i would suggest a 224/224 on a 112 lsa and some dual Tom Brady springs
  13. Hi Lovin mah Tom Brady springs
  14. Hey, those are fightin words!!!!! I love my Tom Brady springs.
  15. My opinion would be 228/232 on a 112 since you have a manual and its your first cam. Its going to be a stretch getting all the parts you need and installed for that price. May want to check other forums and strategically mixed new with used parts after getting a quote from Brandon..
  16. Short term goals? Long term goals? Budget? Purpose for mods.. racing, sound and appearance, gas mileage, everyday fun.. all of the above?
  17. This is basically the Ohio Chapter of LS1tech.
  18. Mustang wheels are a little wider than what I'm looking for.
  19. http://www.ebay.com/itm/18-ROX-5-Spoke-Alloy-Wheel-Set-5-Lug-4-5-112MM-LKQ-/140694992413?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&vxp=mtr&hash=item20c213361d#ht_2991wt_1139 $300 free shipping... wonder if they will fit
  20. I'll split all of your wigs in an acceleration contest. http://www.dreamstime.com/fitness-guy-in-car-thumb3879800.jpg Thanks, Indian Sam
  21. Jordyn, call me, http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/zigf/zigf1008/zigf100800686/7785620-young-man-smiles-and-speaks-on-phone-close-up.jpg Thanks, Mr. Schmelmer
  22. Good course, wish I could have finished it... I was kicked out for thinking the professor was a douche.
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