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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Nevermind, I agree with you completely. Youre speaking to building good habits and pushing yourself. I misunderstood.
  2. Result of my gun ricer thread http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0001.jpg
  3. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/IMAG0194.jpg
  4. We have different opinions on this. I feel anything you do on a consistent basic you should count. If you're focused on a balanced work out you shouldnt ignore significant physical exertion. If its a light sparatic workout definitely.. but spending time on cardio after walking 10 miles everyday isnt really needed for most people. Count that 10 miles and focus on other aspects of your workout. If its enough to calculate in your recovery (and you are burning calories like a boss) I say count it. This is all working out is in a nutshell. Im probably going to print this off and post it up. I've never been a fan of things like creatine. It definitley works, but I have always like using food... Im old fashioned that way. What worked for me to get the bursts of energy was eating 2 bananas, whole grain cereal, and drinking V8 about 30 - 45 minutes before working out. Following it up with boneless chicken (or fish), almonds, and grape juice right after the workout gave me the quickest results.
  5. V8 Beast

    R.I.P CR

    Just messing around. I'm an lt1 fan.
  6. Nope, just a lot of astigmatism Kurt is an OG, cant believe I had that big of a brain fart. Him and Cam should definitely be in there.
  7. V8 Beast

    R.I.P CR

    Funny story, I was almost robbed once. The guy pulled a knife on me and tried to force me to take his LT1 car.... I got stabbed
  8. You gave us all the protip... just the protip
  9. I for one do not want to see any of your trouser snakes. Unless its in real life. Oh yeah (in a Barry White voice) ... And wagner has taken first place in the gay war.
  10. V8 Beast

    R.I.P CR

  11. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/gay-1.gif
  12. Checking in at 221 with an abnormally large penis and bifocals http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2011-07-29014028-1.jpg Wife's 4g charge sucks at taking pics... but I'm officially in the Gay Olympics. Any of you bros man enough to go topless?
  13. http://www.megatraxblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/prince.jpg
  14. http://coogiblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/roman2.jpg
  15. I appreciate all of your help. The way you have helped me focus on both my mental and physical being is a tremendous plus. When I was doing the info-mercial for Total Gym® Chuck (Chuck Norris, I call him Chuck) and I agreed that you are awesome.
  16. Ok, I have to be honest thats not me in the above pic. Heres a before and after of me after I started working out with Tilley http://fitnessanddefense.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Gain-Muscle.jpg
  17. You did hurt my feelings a little. Im getting a little chubby around the mid-section and your gif made me think of becoming bulimic.. again. It was a tough time in my life. I appreciate your concern. Heres a picture of my muscles. I left my shirt on in this one because I have low self esteem. As you can see from the look on my face I am upset and in need of counselling. I also made the picture small so that people across the room cant see me. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/angryblackguy-1-2.jpg So far past gay that my butthole hurts
  18. Thats where my downfall is. I work a desk job so if I miss a trip or two to the gym its like I litterally gain a pound. I couldnt get past 167 in high school. Started taking supplements in college (you know, pizza, oatmeal, pasta ) and got up to 220 (8% body fat). Now its impossible for me to go below 200 without going super strict on the nutrition side now that I dont power lift anymore.
  19. In the other thread you said you are 180. Lost 10 pounds over the year? Was it muscle loss of fat loss?
  20. 210 of man here.. you dont want none! If you keep it up Im going to give you a ticket to the gun show! This is pretty gay lol!
  21. I've seen your pics, hows yoga class? While Im pushing free weights in my Affliction tee you're working on being limber in spandex with a fauxhawk. :gabe:
  22. Do I have permission to post pics of my upper body free of restrictive clothing? If yes, everyone has to agree not to fap or get all jelly.
  23. Be CR... talk bad about a car show then secretly watch Glee while eating fat free yogurt..
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