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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Guys have always been nice to me. Even stayed late one night so I could keep shooting.
  2. I say we do a fantasy draft between the admins. Then meet at roosters and have a wing off!
  3. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/2011-10-31195120-1-1-1.jpg
  4. Are you freaking psychic? I was 15 when a bunch of guys took off so I followed... Looked back saw cops and stopped. They yelled at me to go home and kept running after the other people. Stolen bike.. damn sucks to hear.
  5. I re-certified my bottle at Aquatic Adventures in Hilliard.
  6. False. Growing up I quickly learned that if people start running you dont stop to see what they are running from. I liked Mopar, dumb dumb.
  7. Its pretty obvious there is a lot of bias in this thread. Teachers are not overpaid (just because you know one doesnt mean they deserve to high paid babysitters). Teachers are all overpaid (your good or bad experiences are a small fraction of what happens in the real world.) Saying sports are worthless (because you are not good at them or dont like them doesnt make them worthless. Development and discipline comes from many shapes and angles). Saying we have to have sports in schools (No we dont, parents can pay for it through other places. Sometimes you have to pay to play) The system is broke (To you it may be broke. Somewhere there is a guy loving how things are going. Cut activities if tax payers dont give more... keep salary regardless. Brilliant!) I should change my name to Captain Obvious or Commander Common Sense
  8. Most teachers are given a curriculum to follow. The good teachers know how to work within the curriculum to make education fun. They also mix praise with discipline while being mindful of children that learn at a slower rate. We could give these teachers all the money in the world and I wouldnt care. However, from my experience the kids in need just get more homework, not extra attention. If I was going to get a raise no matter what why would I stress myself out over your stupid kid.... right? I don't have time for that, I'm going to go home and study for my masters so I can make more monies!!!!!! I love when I cross a good teacher. Its happened twice since Ive been a parent and my kids are lucky to have had them. Best feeling in the world to trust the person your kids are going to be spending hours with everyday. Its a shame we dont have more of them. I dont think performance based pay is the answer as much as the evaluation process from parent, student, and principle. A good teacher doesnt always create good grades, there is a lot more that goes into a childs development than an A or B on tests. Speaking of tests... One thing that really makes me mad is that kids are basically being taught to score well on certain tests so the district looks good. Back on topic, why keep threatening kids activities to get more money? After school programs can be a changing point in their life. Not everyone is book smart. Activities can be great for self esteem, helping kids find their path, friendships, team building, etc. Money management is the real problem, stop taking it out on the children. Through all of this I have learned without a doubt that I will NEVER type a post this long on a cell phone ever again!!!!!
  9. If they work in a public school they could be risking their life every time they ask a kid to sit down.
  10. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/n547872467_1606030_4420-2.gif Thanks, Michael
  11. Good point. I'll just use it and not get ahead of myself. I'll have to give the one hand shot a try. The fore hand is really only there from habit, its not holding any weight... should be pretty easy.
  12. Yeah, its basically a more affordible version of that. I linked a pic of one of those earlier in the thread to show possible future plans (to get rid of the cheap plastic.)
  13. Doc in a robe with a British accent for the win! I want to be sheriff so I can arrest Phil every other week.
  14. Do I think CR could actually make it happen... Hells to the no lol! Its just a fun thought. P.S. You are the Mayor.
  15. Im not sure if what Im doing is a thought or a byproduct of generic medication.
  16. I believe we the people of the CR community could, if bonded with a common goal, could make our own city. We have doctors, mechanics, electricians, military, police, doctors, psychiatrists, teachers, nurses, business men, farmers, plumbers, etc. Plus we enough money between us to buy out a country town and build a new city. Who is willing to chip in and help create Trollville, Ohio? Yes... Im bored
  17. I tried youtube but its taken like 20 min and nothings there so I put it on photobucket (quality is horrible) Im a newb and a half so if you seeing me doing anything wrong please let me know. For the record I tossed the magazine on a pillow so no mags were harmed in the making of this video. http://s70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/?action=view&current=VIDEO0024-0.mp4
  18. Already got the reload down. Ill post up a vid in a second I hope so. The more I use it the more I like it.
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