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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Yeah, I pretty much rent guns for a year and sell them.. I gotta stop doing that but its helping a lot in the gun knowledge area. Sold the XD to a member here so I could get my wife a Christmas present without the money coming out of my account.... surprise stuff. When I went to replace it I saw a PS90 and couldnt pass it up for $1050.
  2. Older 4g phones switch to 3g when they think the signal is stronger. Its stupid because 2 bars of 4g is stronger than 3 bars of 3g. Ive heard stuff about updates to fix that for the longest but havent seen any solid fixes. Thats why people with razr's, rezounds, droid 4, nexus, etc will have 4g with no issues while other phones stay in 3g for hours after the service is back up and running. You can try a power cycle and a sim card pull to see if it wakes it up. Thats the plan after 4G in all markets.
  3. Thats wierd, it should be working for you. What model phone do you have?
  4. If I find any deals on either one I'll let you know.
  5. Had both, loved both. Its a tie for me... cant say I like one more than the other. Sorry for not being helpful.
  6. Problem with 4g is with the way it was originally set up certain updates or errors cause for the entire system to be "rebooted". Since its already running in a bunch of markets it takes a lot of time and money to try and seamlessly change/fix it. You'll probably see 1 or 2 more short outages and one long one before June, then it should be smooth sailing. If things go according to plan you wont see any, but that'll be hard to pull off. Consider yoself edumacated
  7. Sé... porque los coches de carrera
  8. ¿por qué hablan español?
  9. Not a lot of options with 5.45x39 that aren't already sold out.
  10. http://troll.me/images/good-guy-greg/realizes-meme-is-getting-overused-leaves-respectfully.jpg
  11. Its the ak74 bullpup. Its made to fire that stuff lol. I ordered a few brands to test out and see how they fire.
  12. V8 Beast


  13. Thanks guys.. found a deal on some Russian ammo
  14. Where can I use it around central Ohio?
  15. If you dont have one I suggest every one adopt a money to attraction ratio when determining where you put your man parts. Measurement: Each point on the scale of 10 for attraction is worth 100 points. Every $50k of salary or net worth is worth 100 points. Application: When single - 800 point minimum.. remove 100 points every year if still single. When in a bf/gf relationship - 1200 minimum improvement over current girl to warrant the risk. Married - 1500 - 5000 minimum improvement based on culture religion and possible child support. If you are ugly like me - bang anything with a pulse. Once consistent sex is achieved make more money. Now the girl that waited 4+ years being single before she gave you a chance has more of a reason to stay around.
  16. Truth, I'm currently running a paper filter from O'reilly's. 438.8 on motor with K&N, 444 without... but my car is also possessed
  17. I have a floor that needs to be installed and am looking to install a deck/patio. Problem is my schedule is so lame that I've been sitting on this idea and the materials for the floor for over a year. Before I went out and hired a professional I thought I would check on CR to see who you used for your deck/patio and any pics if possible. The wife and I are still debating on if we want a deck or a patio. Im hoping some local pictures will help move the process along (Im pro deck). The total price would also be great if you are comfortable sharing. Last but not least. How much would one of you would charge to install the floor? Its a simple click together laminate. I know a lot of you have already done it and its easy, but I have no motivation to do it. Honestly, if I dont pay someone it will never get done. Its about 250 square feet, 1210mmx125x10mm planks (32 boxes), in a room with 9 corners. LMK
  18. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/HORS.png
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