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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. I would like to set something up with him and CR. As early as this year if possible.
  2. Its only enough for me. Got it in the summer from a friend in the Delaware area.. which I would highly suggest in the future. Nice and dry and stored. PM Ray, he might let you borrow some trees. He has plenty. Edit The guys Jones posted are good. Used them once for my fire pit wood.
  3. I never thought about that. But truthfully if it saved my or my families life I would gladly buy another.
  4. Thanks for all the input so far everyone.
  5. From what I've read the basic rounds don't typically over penetrate, but the armor piercing can.. someone correct me if that infos wrong. Yenner, the ar and de are for zombie and terrorist defence.
  6. Flat rail... we be 5.7 buddies?
  7. I'm here for the info on both sides. The guys at the gun store were arguing about it too lol. So... question.. if you could get a ps90 or a 5.7 for the same price which one do you get? The glock gets grabbed first. Forgot to list that one. Sig second, ar15 third.... DE when I want to look good on the news afterwards. This will probably be a fun gun but want to double check its limits.
  8. Oh really??? How would I do that? I thought the ps90 was made to meet legal standards.
  9. There have been more recent tests that show it outperformed the 9mm, less recoil allowed for better and faster grouping. I'll have to double check and see if that was the government armor piercing rounds or the over the counter 5.7. I've read so many pros and cons. Its funny how biased most sources are.. its definitely a love it or hate it situation with the round. I'm not thinking primary gun, but I still want it to work. For $1100 its making me consider it. Also.. why is the 5.7 pistol so popular if so many people think its basically a .22?
  10. I know, I can't buy an auto or have a shortened barrel
  11. What do you guys think of using a p90 as a home defense weapon? I was going to get a 5.7 but found a used p90 in great shape for around the same price. I have read reviews and hear its great in close quarters.. but as always I run things by CR first. This will be in addition to a sig 9mm, ar15, and a .50 desert eagle.
  12. Aliens are just as dumb as we are. They just look and talk differently when they say dumb shit. See Mork and Mindy and Men in Black for factual references.
  13. Ben vs Chris, what happened? Its like the longer you guys go the more out of the loop you are on the other operating systems. You used to throw factual heat.. now its like two old men fighting in a park over a chess game.
  14. Nope, nope Not ready yet. Shared data would multiply the number of users and any possible gains would be lost in the need to raise the capacity.
  15. Nope, wont happen anytime soon. People are willing to pay all this extra money to say they have iphones and androids. Until they stop paying it will never happen. Its not uncommon to see $120 in data plans alone on a family's bill.
  16. Cant do it. Tell them no, your wallet will appreciate it. My son has a data phone but because I get a nice discount. Take that away and he's rocking a startac like a bauce.
  17. This man tells the truth, George Washington This is now officially an 8' conversation and the rest of you are midgets in a ditch!
  18. http://www.farkhof.tk/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/funny-pictures-2012-game-console.jpg
  19. I love apple and the followers. They are paying for my new guns, and cars, and upgrades to my house. Love them! I might just tattoo an apple on my ass (apple bottom kekekeke) after the bonus Im getting.
  20. Also in recent news: Siri has become smarter than all humans and is taking over the world. Think Terminator meets the Matrix, but with an Apple logo on all the machines.
  21. On a side note, Apple is in the process of replacing the "4s" logo with a "5". Industry professionals forecast the simple cosmetic change will result in another record setting quarter.
  22. Update: My asshole was sued and Not Brian has the rights to it now.
  23. Ben and Tilley show up like a boss, Tony Danza While kryptok fails, 2nd place
  24. Yeah, I'm lost, recalculating route
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