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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Psychic? This is the point in the game where fans are suppose to have faith and cheer FOR the team.
  2. How are you going to throw the towel in with half the quarter left? Too soon junior :gabe:
  3. The more I see Braxton used the more I like him. If he has a good offseason with his mechanics he will be a beast! Denard is a cock sucker.. dont need a gif to prove it lol! ~Seriously they act like they dont know hes going to run. Keep your lanes and be controlled on your rush. Quit over committing to one side and leaving gaps!!!!
  4. Worst defensive play call ever. A high school qb could score on an NFL team with that much time to throw.
  5. Braxton didnt have the confidence early on.. Plus he actually knows the plays now :lolguy:
  6. 24 points in the first half from our horrible offense that cant score. Usually good defense is being hurt by bad defensive play calls with a mix of arm tackles. 2nd half is going to come down to coaching as these teams are very evenly matched. ....Back to you Bob
  7. Cool He has an adopted half black daughter and son from Guatemala. I thought I was at Angelina Jolies house on thanksgiving
  8. My father in law has decided to run for county commissioner in Delaware county. Im wondering what his chances are... I have no clue since Im out in Hilliard and have no ties to Delaware politics. I could just ask him, but CR is my primary source of information for errrrthang :fuckyeah: http://www.votemerrell.com/
  9. I hate that.. he drools all down the outside of my car every time.
  10. You like it because he's half boxer lol I told him if he had to puke he better not do it on my seats
  11. Dont talk about my bitch like that!!! kekekekeke.. Back on topic http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/SNC00068.jpg
  12. Just be glad some random guy didnt stab you 62 times, take the detergent, and use it to clean your blood off of his knife.
  13. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/TransAm095-1.jpg
  14. http://i311.photobucket.com/albums/kk457/stoney667/1124011125.jpg
  15. Since gabe is banned I'll fill in for him... Cool story bro
  16. V8 Beast


    After I get done eating turkey Im heading straight to best buy. While there I'll kill everyone standing in line/shopping and claim their stuff as my own. Hundreds of years from now people will play video games, watch tv, and listen to radios while telling people how thankful they are for electronics. :gabe:
  17. We dont buy DEs for social acceptance. We do it because we are rich
  18. TS;DR http://www.bet.com/content/betcom/news/music/2011/10/25/too-hort-sued-over-groping-allegations/_jcr_content/featuredMedia/newsitemimage.newsimage.dimg/060911-music-dui-too-short.jpg
  19. http://img.chan4chan.com/img/2009-08-15/1250354017060.jpg
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