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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Dovers not going to help you. Hes already converted to team Jacob bitch!
  2. Everytime I see a truck transporting lumber in front of me I think about Final Destination and brake
  4. Phil if we ever meet its not going to end well. Stop by my house if you doubt me.
  5. V8 Beast

    joe pa fired

    61 years of coaching... then poof
  6. Hi, I banned you.. wanna dock?
  7. The nexus is still a better phone. I need the abilty to do presentations and work off my laptop with it. Makes thing a lot easier for me.
  8. I have a charger in every location im in including my moms house. Its a smartphone requirement.
  9. P.s. This isnt all the features as that list would be a mile long. Just some things I compare when getting a phone.
  10. I was doubtful about the Razr, but this thing is badass!!! The screen quality, button location, sound, and speed is grade A! Comparing to the nexus its not as good, but pretty close. The Nexus has a bigger screen size when browsing and watching videos. You cant tell any real difference in speed The Nexus is bulkier (of course when compared to a razr) The Razr takes clearer pictures and videos Razr has hdmi The resolution on both phones will make you drool.. This is coming from someone that owns a Charge. Razr has audio visual control and transport to use with laptops, for presentations, etc. Having ice cream sandwich is what puts the Nexus ahead for sure. Look it up if you dont know why ( too much to type lol) The Nexus memory is not removable Last but not least... Razr = Bloatware Im personally getting the razor as its better equipted for what I need for work. Both phones are awesome and best in class. The only thing that scares me is the non removable battery on the razr. Could come back to bite me in the ass if its not a high quality like apple batteries... Plus no hard resets.
  11. I like the ban train... As always Mike is the caboose
  12. Ban lifted.. Now back to your normally scheduled clusterfuck
  13. Oh noez! Without an outlet he might convert to threatening people on facebook. Ill unban him before its too late
  14. Lmao! Im going to lift it... I just had to make sure he posted a thread about us on Ohio Customs
  15. Ringokid; You have been banned for the following reason: Quoting bans for threats of violence is bad M'Kay?! Date the ban will be lifted: 11-10-2013, 12:00 AM :gabe:
  16. http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/xxtheonlyxx/190551_10150456068615055_582310054_17771189_1839039_n-1.jpg
  17. Kid (14 years old) took an airsoft gun and shot my $1k dresser. I beat the shit out of him, took the gun, and had his parents pay for the patch kit. They thanked me for beating him, then beat him again. It takes a village.
  18. I only lock my doors when I see black or hispanic people. Those guys deserve to be raped in prison for a few decades.
  19. I voted no then had my wife vote yes and not a fuck was given Save the bunnies bitches!
  20. Only 3 left little buddy! You can do it :lolguy:
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