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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. You know the world is a horrible and unforgiving place to live when you have to order cereal on the internet
  2. Might have to go to amazon.. "We regret to inform you that after searching out the product in your local store and surrounding Meijer locations, we find it has been discontinued. Whether we no longer carry it based on low volume of sales or because of manufacturer discontinuation, Meijer realizes how much some items can be missed once they are gone. General Mills still makes it, but they only distribute to a few stores in Ohio. Productions of it are wayyyyyyyy down. Sad face
  3. Looked at Meijers, Krogers, Walmart... Hilliard sucks!!! Forgot about the Aldi's out here. I'll check there tomorrow morning if Giant Eagle fails me.
  4. Where... got a craving and cant find them anywhere except online.
  5. Use the money to pay for real guns for the kids to play with. Keep the check. Go over to their house and thank them, then go get a new backboard.
  6. I change names on CR more than I change my underwear
  7. No you've seen me before Ringo... I like totally banned you and stuff dude. Ninja like a bauce!
  8. win If you rock skinny jeans get a razr. Nexus will probably top the list in a few weeks. The hd screen on the rezound and camera quality is awesome.
  9. V8 Beast


    Have to list a price in the for sale areas
  10. Beats by Dre? Stay otta mah fasebook!!!!!!
  11. Yeah... I callled the cops. You're screwed.... I win the internet
  12. Lodge Bar.. Spice bar is for making up afterwards. Now bring 5 friends and 3 guns because shit will get real!
  13. P.S. fuck everybody. If you dont like that meet me at the Lodge Bar
  14. Yeah, but then I go home and tell people I got into bar fights and had sex.
  15. If anyone thinks Im only abusing my power because Im an admin meet me in real life and I'll smack you with your moms favorite dildo and call you a cheeky cunt sandwich sonuvabitch /reeltalk
  16. Im getting the rezound. Its the best phone verizon has right now. Top 10 Verizon phones. Some will argue about one and 2 being switched around.. But the iphone not having 4g dropped it down some overall. The newer phones could easily drop if issues are discovered. Having that clean slate works in their favor. Rezound iPhone 4s Razr Bionic Thunderbolt Stratosphere Charge Droid 3 Revolution iPhone 4 discuss..
  17. Nice intro, welcome! Marco Island guy here
  18. 3.0 (honeycomb ) was for tablets.
  19. Its real, motorola has rights to use the name because its real kevlar fiber.. Why they did it.. No clue. Its not like its thick enough to be able to stop bullets or anything. Looks more like a marketing thing. Its a little more scratch resistent and durable but thats about it. Damn, I thought I had my mind made up but I cant decide between this and the HTC!!!
  20. Do a factory reset and it should be fine. With time some of them start to get buggy so you have to basically start over... one of the bad things about androids. If I could tolerate the size and operating system of the iphone I would get one. There is no doubt its a better system from a flow and reliability stand point. Working in the cell phone industry there are about 200 calls about android to every 1 on the iphone... and the iphone issue is usually user error. P.S. Still loving the Razr!
  21. Jason has grenades sitting on his coffee table. Hide your kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. Damn, came in here to quote somebody posting the link
  23. What we learn in games like this is huge for next years team. Yes its a loss, but did you really think we were going to beat Penn State and Michigan? I love what I saw from the offense today and we lost some key players on D that opened up a chance for others to get playing time. Games like this are great for growing programs. To learn how to win you have to know how to not lose.
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