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V8 Beast

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Everything posted by V8 Beast

  1. Bench racing is not cheap!!!!! Laptop for work Desktop at home Netbook for when someone needs to borrow my computer ipad for when my netbook and laptop are charging extra batteries for road trips Smart phone for posting on the toilet and hot spot for the laptop Upgraded processor for faster posting on multiple forum at the same time Upgraded ram Fan to keep everything cool for long hours of e-battling/bench racing Oak computer desk like a bauce leather chair for comfort considering Im online more than Im spending time with the family cost to pay off my wife so she doesnt bother me all winter Typing classes Cost to have food delivered to my house Bench racing is a sport, and like any other sport you have to pay to play!!!!!
  2. Why are people so insensitive to death? I'm starting to seriously wonder if younger people (under 40) are that far removed from reality. There was a time when unless you knew the person was worthless you would show common courtesy and respect. Now its a game to see who can make the funniest joke about someone else and their unfortunate accident.... if you even care enough to make a joke. Unless there is a direct connection to you or the group, there seems to be no need, want, or desire to show any remorse. I found myself doing the same thing in this thread before thinking, "what if he had a family". I think the internet and the bad news overload has completely taken away my ability to care. Damn video games and the internet are slowly creating the emotionless zombies that we are all so worried about /my2cents Back to joking and stuff.. my joke wasnt that funny anyway.
  3. Marketing handles that stuff. I get my info on the internet.... Thats why I asked if there was a possible leak. Too many loose lips have messed it up for everyone.
  4. Has verizon ever communicated a definite release date? The phones in the final stage of software testing.
  5. Do I need to RSVP and wear a tie to get into hell or is it one of those places where I can just show up?
  6. Due to the content provided in this thread and a complete lack of hope for America I am writing myself a prescription for suicide.
  7. X = (breasts + testicals) * winding action / recoil
  8. Yup, I know hes no Michael Vick, there is only only one. I meant as shifty as he is with consistent completions he would put fear in other defenses. Right now no body is worried about his arm. Urban might be able to pull it off. Just needs a little of that 2002 luck :fuckyeah:
  9. I'm with you on that. It does make it easier to have a speedster, no doubt. The problem is Ted Ginns are rare in Ohio. We get a lot of 4.4, 4.3 guys, but true burners usually dont come here. As a running team we could pull it off, but it would have to be on the legs of Braxton, not a running back... but even then he would still have to complete about 10-15 passes to keep them honest. Thats whats missinng right now if you ask me. A few more completions and we have a Michael Vick situation in Ohio. Ranking system wrong? Teams more evenly matched than before? Fluke? Players stayed up too late watching Twilight?
  10. Just ask yourself how much money you would save by installing the thermostat. Most people save enough for it to pay off itself in 6 months or less. In my case my schedule changes so much and someone is usually home so it wouldnt save me anything. I saved money through dressing warmer in the winter, insulation, and telling the kids to close the damn door. :lolguy:
  11. But the players came from college, realer talk. My point is you have to do the best with what you have. A slow guy can open the field like a fast guy, he just has to do it with deception instead of speed.
  12. ... because when the season starts next year we can 100% guarantee that these guys will not have learned anything from working together and practicing. Freshman recruits will be horrible, and we have no hope so we should all just become Michigan fans... Also note the majority of the best recivers in the NFL are not burners. Technique > deep balls every play. Wait, we do have burners. Whats that guys name that dropped the second to last dropped deep ball??? If he gets his hands to work with his feet, and learn how to deceive db's/run better routes he will be a super soph.
  13. This is why people hate Ohio State fans. The glass is half empty all the time and we are never good enough all of the time 30% of the time.
  14. V8 Beast


    Come to my house and lay this kitchen floor you bored bastards
  15. People need to take into consideration how hard our schedule was this year. Week after week we had to play ranked teams with a freshman QB, stars suspended, and a rookie head coach. The fact that we were in all of these games down to the wire is huge for us. There is no reason for us not to be in the national championship hunt in 2013 and a BCS bowl game next year.
  16. Im seeing a lot of things I like from the young players on the team. At this point the scores dont make a huge difference anyway. The point is to learn more each game. Mission accomplished
  17. http://www.aspousa.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/foot.jpg
  18. Shazier will be a star... you heard it here first.
  19. Better? I always thought you were team jacob... my bad
  20. I love the awkward heavy breathing scenes
  21. What! I can see not in the top 10... But he is definitely top 50. Harris from the steelers is starting to grow on me... I put LT and Ray at a dead tie as they are tops in their positions. Its hard to compare middle and outside. Players like Derrick Thomas used speed and agilty to get sacks. Ray Lewis plays more with his brain at middle because he has to put other people in the right position to make plays. Comparing the field general to the field special forces isnt easy.
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