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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. Drove by and saw it as the wife and I had lunch at Charley's. Looks sharp. Took a couple cell pics because I'm envious. Sharp car. I like the stock wheels myself.
  2. Looks great! Actually I like it better than the BRZ. Needs just a slight drop.
  3. The real question is where is the line for personal responsibility and why the fuck should responsible citizens be forced to pay for unresponsible ones? Again, put ACA funding as a line item on tax returns and let the bleeding hearts like you form your own insurance pool. Those fuck-tards that live off the gov't tit can get "a little less back" for smokes and beer and let them BE THE ONES TAXED into paying for the pool of less responsible or down and out people. The rest of us who are already covered and not a part of the Obamafail wouldn't then get a free pass on having to contribute. Fund this bullshit bill with the already wasted entitlements that are out there. Fuck this bullshit of taxing MY FAMILY and let those that are using it pay for it and spread the costs out ACROSS THEIR POOL not mine. I'm sorry but the time has come to raise the bar not lower it.
  4. we've had this conversation before. bad luck and shit happening doesn't = everyone has to pay for you. shit happens to me too but I don't pass my losses off on everyone else nor would I support a law to do so. it's called accountability. When I was 24 and still in college ON MY OWN I worked my ass off to help pay our way through schooling, namely my wifes. I broke my back and blew a disc and had a personally responsibility of over $9800 that I worked out with Riverside Hospital to pay interest free over the course of 24 months. I didn't go belly up nor would I expect others to pay it. I PAID FOR IT ALL. brother died of it and mom is fighting breast cancer. I know more about it and the coverages than most. yes it sucks, yes it can happen but it's not all by chance. my mother lived in a house of smokers and my brother was one. I don't feel I should have to pay for the majority that DO have lifestyles that lead to it. I'm the first line of defense until the police come. Perhaps Obama should provide me a free gun and the rest of the world should pay for my CHL, range time and ammo. Hmm.... Better example is hurricanes.....NO I don't think we should all take rate hikes for the fuck-tards that rebuild in hurricane prone areas. Just like Fire Zones out west....they are UNINSURABLE and collectively THEY CAN ALL get together and buy their own high risk fucking insurance. MY PREMIUMS should NOT cover them. Thus why I support HIGH RISK premiums being pushed down to those that are high risk. Just the same, let those taking advantage of all that Obamafail has to offer be the ones that fund it. I didn't call you an idiot. I do think you haven't thought through all the options and while you support my paying for your subsidized premiums, I do not. In turn, I care zero fucks when companies cut employees, lower wages and in the end the free lunch you are reaping and about to reap comes back to cost you in other ways.
  5. and you condone that? do you think all other drivers should pay for said repairs? I say if they can't afford it, fucking walk or buy a bike. why should I pay for the insurance of the poor? let said cost fall as a line item on tax returns for bleeding hearts to contribute and pay for them. let's see how many people "really support" healthcare for all when they have to pay the way for them vs spreading that shit out on the rest of us who are responsible for our own. in the there's no free fucking lunch. the poor will pay in other ways such as job cuts, lower wages, increased costs for the good they have to buy, lower charitable donations, etc. They will also end up going to lower quality providers too because the better doctors won't be taking those plans. The only real solution is to get their asses up and accountable for their own actions.
  6. because we have one of the most unhealthy, fattest and laziest groups of poor people around. proof further that our poor people milk the system. rarely if ever except for the occasional meth head do you see a skinny ass poor person. that won't change by giving them healthcare either.
  7. and I love the law that makes it so because it doesn't make me pay for others insurance!
  8. and that's still going to happen only now I'm going to be forced to pay for 40M more people and for those same people to now milk the medical system like they have the welfare system and other entitlements. Great. unless you change the way they live their lives, you are only going to prolong their ability to milk the system, you're not going to create a healthier population.
  9. Cool video FX right up until he forgot to mask out the reflector and thus turning it colors but at times does not.
  10. just here to say one more time that not a fuck is given to any of the bikers. I can only hope a 4x4 group decides to follow them to their next meet. Fuck, perhaps a shit ton of Range Rovers will tour up with them. I sense this shit isn't over.
  11. kicker to all this is that the Capital Police are 'required' to be on-duty given the nature of their job, but with the gov't shutdown, they aren't being paid. That's fucked up.
  12. I think the point is for that type of $50k dollars, it's not so much what YOU personally get paid Kirk, it's WTF happens to the rest of the money? My mother (who you and I just discussed recently) had her knee replacement done. The initial bill from Cleveland Clinic just for the proceedure was $54k on her EOB. 42 pages later the final totals everything she was billed for after 3 months of surgery, care, PT, etc. was just under $93k. Crazy shit.
  13. excessive force? really? woman tries to use her vehicle as a weapon against armed police drawing their guns on her. excessive stupidy on her part. After seeing it on the news, I'm surprised they didn't shoot her as she reversed into the cop car with 3-4 officers around her. The one guy had a clean shot of her head from the drivers door. adding into account where she was, I don''t think it was excessive at all. too many fucks are given for the bad guys these days. meh....she will forever "know about it" as it will be documented historically on the web. shit like this that happened 30yrs ago are on microfilm. Today it's on facebook, twitter and web sites and easily found.
  14. I'm 95% certain I'm going to register by end of this week. Hopefully they won't sell out. Just firming up plans. Good to hear such great things about him. I need a little get away to focus on this stuff again.
  15. ^^ Jimmy K. is awesome. There's some very scarey truth in that those are voters.
  16. Or New York and brake-check SUV's. I'd die on that thing.
  17. Pediatric vision is covered. If you need something regarding vision, PM Me.
  18. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07e79f4etz39ec9bfd I'm seriously thinking of clearing the day and make the drive up to this. Anyone else perhaps interested? I can fit 3 in the Fusion.
  19. I love that video. If I could shape shift, I'd be a big-ass eagle for one day.
  20. you need to let the car go and start training some attack dogs like the ones in that video you posted. you can practice in your front yard for her to watch.
  21. ^^ that would make for a GREAT Video. Gotta love social media too. I hope next year KY, TN and OH 4WD vehicles target an event there at the same time. Can you imagine that shit
  22. Ours is $2,500 out of pocket, Zero Premium - Luv my job (family of 4), from $2,501-$10k I pay20% and nothing above that, thus max out of pocket is $4,000. I put in the max which is just over $6,400 this year. I agree on paying ourselves. So many poor bastards pay $550-$1,500+ per month on their HMO's and that money is gone. We keep our $6400 every year in our account. Been on an HSA since 2001 and it's been the very best thing for us.
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