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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. Just quoting what I thought the story implied.
  2. Damn it!!! Love the $50 but it comes 1 day after I just spent like $50 on a bunch of apps :fuuuu:
  3. Translation...Sales Geek Alert :dumb::fa:
  4. Let's hope they aren't the droves chanting for Obama Phones but rather REAL and INTELLIGENT voters that actually CONTRIBUTE to society.
  5. The power of this thing IS incredible. At work we get a very large spreadsheet that is cumulatively added to throughout the year and i need to glance at one tab and a specific section daily and while on the road. Early in the year it's easy to open but today, on the iPhone it could take 20 seconds to open the damn thing and another 20 to change tabs and get to what I need. On the Note 3 it's incantations. ZERO delay doing anything with it. Priceless.
  6. Will have to look into it. Thanks! I'm already making good use of it. I never really used Siri. I used the google app. It was on the desktop of my iPhone. The dictation on the iPhone was good. Had some issues with no wifi to support it but overall good. Here's my new 6" iPhone thanks to the Neo Hybrid in Satin Silver :gabe: http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg378/pdqgp/Temp%20Pics/screens_zpscaa6a374.jpg http://i541.photobucket.com/albums/gg378/pdqgp/Temp%20Pics/SidebySide_zpsb07b7380.jpg
  7. Came here to post this. Dude just needs to put down guns and start surfing porn and join the majority. That's a low number IMO :gabe:
  8. I hear Trish has a new studio that's perfect for people that have never had a family portrait done.
  9. Paging Timmy.....Timmy Taylor..... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=115316
  10. Do you have an add power at the bottom for reading? If not online may be the cheapest.route. move into progressives and the quality difference between online and a private OD will be seen. PM as that's my field.
  11. Not sure if you're serious... http://www.columbusohrealestate.com/PTMSCMS/scripts/sir/image.php?image=/vsites/000-keithposs/image/staff/STEPHANIE%20SELLERS%20PHOTO.jpg&width=150&height=350
  12. not sure if she focuses on this type of work but it's worth a shot... http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/member.php?u=967
  13. Single vision or progressive?
  14. Here are the cliffs: At first it was like: http://img.gawkerassets.com/img/17vcr1kfet5o5jpg/ku-xlarge.jpg And then it was like: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-SFyuSGSku3I/UoOeBhuvMPI/AAAAAAABkjQ/WTvyJ1q9Zgc/s1600/the_real_story_behind_a_buried_ferrari_07.jpg
  15. I know....I needed a little more complexity in my life.
  16. Okay, so Chris and Jones beat me up and I caved. Went out and replaced my iPhone with an great Samsung Note 3. So far, I love it. Got it set up the way I want it and am investigating some apps. What are your favorites? Please post them up and feel free to put in any tips and tricks too. Thanks!
  17. Congrats Trish! Looks like it has a lot of potential and great lighting in that open space.
  18. That's what I was thinking :dumb:
  19. Neighbor had his Ranger hit last night. I saw the cable dangling and was wondering if he knew. He didn't until I pointed it out. I know it happened overnight as I see his truck every day and it's brand new thus questioned why he would have used his spare so soon.
  20. Can you choose a female patient on screen? Customize it?
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