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Everything posted by TTQ B4U

  1. Anyone here not willing to tap that please hand over your man card and exit CR 'cause you're full of shit. Killjoy, you gotta get them slim and skinny 'cause you know when kids come so do the lbs's and hips. Might as well enjoy them slim and trim. Hula Hoop girl's ass is going to be a bean bag chair after 1-2 kids. No thanks. Last thing I want to do is suffocate when she sits on me.
  2. there are exceptions but in your case you have a partial boxer and a husky. if they were both pure bred female boxers, they would very, very likely have some serious issues once both were 2-3yrs old. starts with one fight and thing change from there to where they would eventually fight with ferocity that you would end up having to re-home one. males will do the same but female boxers are usually the more protective and domineering of the breed. I can attest to this with our previous Jasmine and even our current female Xena. She's dominant over the male. Part of that is he is younger and came into our home at just 5lbs.
  3. I'd advise getting a female. Two males, especially if one isn't fixed won't likely do as well. Boxers can be funny that way. Two females is most always a no-no too. Our boxers have always been partial to other bully breeds too. None of ours have ever done well with dogs of other breeds. Even our two now. However, they are more tollerant and do fairly well with strange bully dogs. Go figure. I agree with a puppy. Much better to form who they are in your own home.
  4. We've always had two and wouldn't have it any other way. They are best buds. Yes it will double your trouble in terms of energy but if you have a good fenced yard, they will make use of it. Ours love running around and playing outside. This is the first time we've not had two boxers, but out male is bully of some sort and again, perfect size. Our Brindle came from http://alumcreekkennel.com/ I was active in Boxer rescue for a while and can help you there too.
  5. I know a certain TTRS that could have used them for that :gabe:
  6. Great shots man. Funny how so many of them are from some of the same spots we go to. 3 of them are nearly exact. I can't wait to move up there. We're kicking around a few options now to hopefully make that a reality sooner than later. One of the decision is to stick it out in our current home and not buy another nicer one here in Ohio but rather wait for the move.
  7. Looks great! I like the stone. Very nice.
  8. Nothing crazy extreme but as we went close the front door the sky to the west caught my eye and offered a chance to play with my new Bridge Camera. Canon PowerShot SX40 HS Focal Length: 24mm Aperture: f/4.0 (Sweet Spot on this lens) Exposure Time: (1/400) ISO equiv: 800 http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/145003089/original.jpg
  9. Staged. Would have some real post material if he would have taken the bat to the other vehicles then laughed at the camera.
  10. I vote to remove Accountability from the American Dictionary. Or change it's definition to meaningless.
  11. Nice! Both are crying out for some large pano views.
  12. The author hangs out on CR too much.
  13. Exactly what I was thinking. FWIW, I'd do the typical bolt on items and non FI Stuff, enjoy it for a while and if needed later, add some boost. That's what I would do if you gave it to me
  14. Gotcha. Reason #4 to buy local ? :gabe:
  15. Gotcha. The 14mm 2.8 L inside will give you a slight distortion on the edges that will need cropped. I've even used a fish-eye and power tools to pull back the lines. http://www.pbase.com/timothylauro/image/132584999/original.jpg I like the 16-35mm L. I think Evan aka Tractor shoots with it. It will be good for indoors and outside. Depending on the results you've had, I might also suggest some more lighting. Is low lighting and noise an issue for you with the 40D? I easily push it to 6,400 without problems. Especially for MLS listings where pics aren't huge. Just curious.
  16. about time a story like this makes news.
  17. same vendor three times? really? There's saying around that you know........
  18. I'm serious when I say I wish the police chief would get on TV and just say that and then tell everyone to move on with life. If I was the reporter, I'd ask him if he would like to reverse roles and hold a taser while he gets a shotgun pointed at him.
  19. Ken Block would be impressed. That was close....
  20. Even cakes are bigger than my KO4 :fuuuu:
  21. What do you plan on using it for? ....list the top 3 things. What are you coming from? You likely know I'm a huge Canon fan and own a 1D series (older MKII), a 5DMKII and a 40D. I've looked and handled both the above and will say they are great units. Seeing as your needs are for real estate purposes you will definitely enjoy working with them. That said, I will advise while both have video capabilities, I wouldn't count on even the MKIII replacing a dedicated video camera for all around use. The MKIII 1080p and the new processing engine helps the shutter roll issues that at least I notice on the MKII, but they are still there. The key is to pan slowly and if you shoot sports, shoot from the corners were zooming trumps panning. Your limited to mono sound and it does tend to pick up IS movement within lenses. I won't beat a dead horse, should work fine for filming homes, where music or no sound may be used. We could talk about the 1Dx all day, but unless you're shooting sports professionally, you probably could better spend the $3,500 difference in price on glass. If could justify the purchase, I'd jump on the 5DMKIII.
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