The back of my yard gets flooded a lot. Lucky nothing is affected around my house or my basement. Bad thing is this also happens in the summer with heavy rainfall. This is one of the reasons I always have to drop flea and tick growth regulator all over my yard every spring.
It is just ok and I loved and watched all Battlestar Galatica religiously. I am more happy with Stargate Universe then Caprica right now.
Oh and truth.
This can be all summed up in one picture. Is anyone else getting hot in here?,guy,sexy,stewie,griffin-f15de696b2a2044d2d21bb500074c1c2_h.jpg
Don't do it the old dashboard is far superior. Even more so when drunk. Plus a 360 like that are in high demand with the modchip you could install on them. The new dashboard removes this from happening.
Well I have Johnny Cash's American V album and a few of his music videos. I also have all of the beatles albums plus their music videos. The rest of my collection is from the 80-late 90s. I don't have much else from the 60-70s but I could check when I get home.
Edit: I h ave almost all the Pink Floyd albums and music videos.
You did read it correctly. 5gb of full albums and music videos. I will try to make a list when I get home from work. Is there something you would specifically like on it? I own a lot of music and all of my CDs and Tapes I have converted to MP3s. I could easily give you something?
I will look at it when I get home. I can maybe put something on there that I have a copy of? 5 gb is music and music videos. It is a crap load. A guess would be 50 music videos and at least 50 full albums if not more.
I wish more people would understand this. There was countless girls in high school that told me they were going to have a kid at 18 or earlier with the excuse "well my parents did it and it all worked out in the end so I will be just fine". I even had an ex that wanted kids, marriage, etc as soon as she graduated high school. It was "her dream" as she told me. I told her MAYBE if we are still dating after college... she wasn't for that. Girls never learn.