Stop thinking about that. It doesn't help anything. If it makes you feel better learn how to grow your own food and preserve it. You can always trade food for anything you need. Everyone needs food. You don't have to be a "prepper" to protect your family. You ever watch those doomsday prepper shows? Most of those people are spending $500 or more a month on prepping supplies. Most people including myself could not afford to do that. Just prepare for the power going out for days. That is what I prepare for. Remember that hurricane that came through ohio years ago? I had no power for 5 straight days and lost most of my food supply. This is what I prepare for now. If it happens again I have enough food, candles, lights, batteries, and solar chargers to survive.
Also I suggest you make a get home bag. I made one for only one reason, to get home from work to be with my family. I always take it to work because I need something to hold my work laptop. I look like everyone else that carries a backpack. It is nothing fancy, it isn't camo colored, it isn't tactikool, it looks boring. If I had to walk home from work I have enough supplies to make it by myself. If you want I can share with you my supplies list.