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Everything posted by LPFSTheFett

  1. +1. Nothing beats it. Get to see the deer more in their natural state and routine. Then in 4 weeks the woods really come alive! Though for me, I can't wait till after deer gun season. A lot more spots open up for me to run my beagles on rabbits. its my favorite!
  2. In the spring its much easier. I've had great success calling them in for my son. However, fall time, I wouldnt know the first thing. You should be out going for a deer anyway Same as processing. I've learned a lot just watching tips and tricks on YouTube. The easiest way is to find where the birds are roosting and setup about 40-50 yards away with some decoys. Generally, they'll fly right out of the roost and head your way. My buddies have had good luck with that. My spot is pretty bad, they roost on a neighboring property. I have to call them across a creek just to get an opportunity.
  3. I watched a video on YouTube. It's pretty straight forward once you start. A lot don't harvest the legs, but those are the best part!
  4. LPFSTheFett


    what could a 24 & 32 year old see in a 16 year old. As for rape, lol. maybe by the law, but not in reality. Ask that kid now and ask him 15 years from now if he suffered any emotional damage from it and the answer would be no. Even with this going national, I'd walk out of that school with my head held high.
  5. Really disappointed. I expected 132-133 trap speeds. I'm sure it's only because of the aero package. ACR vipers are slower than standard vipers in a straight line and top speed, but dominate on a road course. http://www.hotrod.com/news/2015_corvette_z06_clocks_0_60_in_less_than_3_seconds/
  6. Have fun. I do the same in SE Ohio for shotgun season. It's always a blast. Look forward to it every year! Though on certain ridge tops I can get it internet on my phone. Fills the time in a tree stand
  7. From the facts you posted, it sounds like you need to go camping for a week. :grin2:
  8. So in the Ford, as far as the first year goes, I wouldn't worry about it. Ford knows trucks. I put 80k miles on the two I've had and they never went back to the dealer. My father in law had an 09 and never had a problem with it. As far as eccoboost. Its a complete joke. My 2010 had whatever V8 they offered that year and got 15.5mpg mix of city/freeway. Just so happens my 12 gets the exact same mileage. Both Platinums optioned identically. Two friends were in the market for f150's last year. They both took my advise and saved the premium and purchased the 5.0 and are getting 2-3mpg better than me. I can barely get over 18mpg just freeway driving. Let alone a mix.
  9. Ford. Best truck on the market in my opinion. The dodge diesels feel under powered for everyday driving. I don't mind Chevy trucks as I've owned a couple now, but I just think Ford makes a superior truck. Add to that they are expecting the 15's to get close to 30mpg with gasoline, its a no brainier. I bet if you test drive the 3 for a couple days each, you'd take the Ford home.
  10. In a perfect world it would be nice, but in the real world impossible. It's already hard enough for communities to keep up with the cost of their police departments. Forcing police officers to get a degree would not only increase the cost associated with every police officer hired, but their salaries would need to reflect the increased skill level involved. Add to that many would feel getting the position too difficult and drop out of the program making hiring police officers even more difficult. As cars as this confrontation, the gentleman opening the door had every right to act like that. The police were bothering him by knocking on the door and need to respect the person at the residence. Catch more flies with honey. The black community already distrusts law enforcement and these cops didn't make it better by threatening to drag him out of the house. The fact the officer was black is irrelevant as many in his community would consider him a sell out. Thats my take.
  11. I think the 15k price cut will help move a few additional units, but certainly isn't enough to fix the car. The Z06, that lets just "say" equals its performance, can be had with an auto, stick, hard top, convertible and for less money. Add to that most dodge dealerships are the worst. When I had my Viper, I HATED taking the car in. Complete idiots, couldn't even fix anything. Nightmare! The fact it's a "Viper" only goes so far. Someone spending that much money on the car wants something out of it. It's not a well built car, it's not the fastest at anything like it was when it was first introduced, it's not a luxury car. It just doesn't deliver. Then you cant even modify the damn things because they have the computers locked down. It really burns me up. I love the look of the Vipers and my old one with its issues was my favorite car. Let me buy one in an Auto and the ability to modify it and I would have it. Herniated disc doesn't agree with stick shifts any more.
  12. You've got me interested, now you have to fix your post
  13. that guys acting while falling onto the car was a little suspect. the ending explained it
  14. Central Ohio School of diving. Has been several years since getting my SSI cert there, but I liked all the workers and instructors. I did some advanced courses through aquatic adventures and really didn't care for the place honestly.
  15. I've got a 2010 Club Car Villager 2+2 LSV golf cart with 234 miles that I'm wanting to sell. Looking to get 7k. It's all electric 48v and goes 23mph. Only thing we did to it was install better rims/tires and did an upgraded interior. Other than that its stock. The one nice feature is it came standard with a color matched roof. Limited edition maybe! If interested PM me. More than welcome to take it for a spin. Not sure of picture size, posted on my ad and preview looked fine. Lol http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b603/LPFSTheFett/imagejpg4_zps4d5ab495.jpg http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b603/LPFSTheFett/imagejpg1_zps89eff918.jpg http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b603/LPFSTheFett/imagejpg2_zpsa56aefcd.jpg http://i1294.photobucket.com/albums/b603/LPFSTheFett/imagejpg3_zps5821c6dc.jpg
  16. We filled one today but need a second. So yes, a position is still available.
  17. closest I could come up with was a 2004 camary, like the one below http://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2007/08/10/12/26/2004_toyota_camry_le_v6-pic-57659.jpeg edit: Nope this isn't it. the front window of the camary is all wrong
  18. +1 We have 3 and they are great house dogs! The only downside is, they do require grooming. We takes ours in ever 3 months to get shaved. no daily maintenance or anything.
  19. My best is 59 after a couple days. I always beat my son at his own games so he wanted me to try and beat his score of 62. The day I got close with the 59, he made it to like 130. I told him he won. Game is difficult. Get 40 something and the next time die at 5.
  20. Oh and good for me, no changes in bating. I heard a rumor they were going to do away with it. I hunt a few urban areas that are small patches of woods. Helps putting corn out just to see whats out there, and I have some big plans for food plots this year!
  21. Well, I think its a step in the right direction. I don't mind and support the straight wall cartridges. I don't know much about them, but I bet they dont shoot any better than the current 12/20 gauge sabots. The only thing I'd like to see axed is the doe only early hunt. I hate it. I would just LOVE to see how many bucks get tagged in the following couple of days. While almost all hunters, myself included, want a larger deer herd, I don't think bag limits or the early doe season have anything to do with it. I think the number of bow hunters today vs 10 years ago does. I'd cut 1 week off the beginning and 2 weeks off the end of bow season. I think that would do more than bag limits for increasing the population. However, Odnr is still trying to reduce the herd size overall, so I don't see that happening for several years.
  22. My wife and I took a Utah CCW class from the guy a few years back. I will say that he was VERY informative and knew a lot more about Ohio laws than an Ohio CCW instructor I talked to. I really enjoyed the class and learned more from him than any other firearms, hunter class I ever took. Not saying what he said is accurate, which is why I brought it up . The laws he did bring up about Ohio that the Ohio instructor didnt know, the class looked up and verified them in the books the ohio instructor had in class. So the excessive force seemed plausible. His main point was that courts are like reality TV shows and don't necessarily go for the truth. And if you end up in a self defense shooting, to immediately seek an attorney as nothing you say to the police can be used to benefit you. I'm sure he was a little conspiracy theorist, but so am I so, I got it.
  23. It was my understanding, you aren't allowed to simply unload your weapon on a person as that would be "excessive force"? I suppose your argument would be, I kept shooting till he stopped moving... And from my experience with hunting, that could take awhile, so could be argued. I guess it may come down to level of danger. I would treat an attacker coming at me with a bat completely different than someone with a gun. My hope is to never need to worry about it...
  24. Captain, No experience is really needed for the position. We look for someone that is able to learn quickly and has the ability to hold a conversation. We are also looking for long term placement, so if you're more interested in short term, this may not be for you. Evan, for the customer service rep, the most collections they would do is contact clients to notify them their payment NSF'd and to reschedule it. Generally nothing is owed, so it's just a matter of getting their program back on track. Thanks for the responses! Jason
  25. My wife and I wont even watch the news becuase it's always nothing but bad things. But you can't even escape it because they blurt out murder, rape, etc.. in the 3 second span it takes you to grab the remote and skip the advertisements. As crazy as this is, it's just par for the course anymore.
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