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Everything posted by RCode04

  1. Much better than the x-ray looking green tint that the night vision goggles provided back in my era.
  2. There is a booth that sells Lodge cast iron at North Market. I got a 12" skillet for $40.
  3. Be careful buying tickets. They did not offer any one day passes. Everything was sold as weekend access only. I bought my son a ticket. Ticketmaster sent me an email that there will not be any paper tickets this year. They are going to send an electronic wristband that he has to wear from Friday until Sunday night. If the wristband is damaged, they may not let you in. I.E., you can't try and share a wristband. Not sure where they got paper tickets.
  4. We talking mpg or 1/4 mile? Welcome.
  5. RCode04


    Don't you hate it when you try and park away from people and some clown insist on parking next to you? This made me smile when I walked out. GT350. Anybody on here? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. maybe drive to work backwards?
  7. AFLAC is supplemental insurance. You are not going to collect double salary if you go on disability. The will likely pay the difference between what your employer sponsored short term will pay you and your regular salary. Shit, I would break my own leg to double my pay.
  8. Oscar for Best Actor and Ben's brother.
  9. You can call Vito's in Delaware and see if they have it. Unless you want to ship it from Germany from the link. :no:
  10. I am going with a friend. Hitting North Market for lunch and then head over.
  11. Average college team is 33 wrestlers with an NCAA limited 9.9 scholarship equivalents per team. You better have multiple state championships if you think you are getting a full ride.
  12. Judging by the siding of the building where it is parked, it looks like Mexico.
  13. just had shoulder surgery so my wife will be doing all of the snow removal this year.
  14. Oh, thank god. His first broken campaign promise :lolguy:
  15. The Trump victory cracks me up. Since when has the Republican Party, or Trump himself, ever been in the corner of the poor and uneducated voter. He won his victory on the backs of the very people he will screw over with his fiscal policy. So when immigrants leave, the unemployed are going to go pick corn or lay sod? Not likely. They never wanted those jobs and still don't. When Trump puts tariffs on foreign goods and we are forced to buy shitty quality US products at inflated prices due to the great wages they will feel just as poor. Our entire manufacturing base will turn itself into the US auto industry. Overpaid and underperforming and bailed out by the next President.
  16. What is one of the primary reasons that families move into a community? Good schools. I vote in favor of every school levy. You will get your money back when you sell your house due to increasing property values.
  17. Reminds me of our 12' 7" bridge in Delaware on 37.
  18. Leave the windows down and the interior is free.
  19. I saw that on the news. I have never found a dead guy in a bathroom but have smelled one before.
  20. A notary isn't affirming the legality of a sale. They are merely authenticating the signature on the title. That being said, flipping a car without paying the tax is bad mmmmkay.
  21. RCode04

    Is 1080 HD?

    I would be less concerned about him arguing the semantics of which signal is HD and be more worried about the crappy picture. 720 should still look good. " All thumbs are fingers but not all fingers are thumbs"
  22. I believe they are more for gas mileage than clean air. However, it is way better to have soot on the bumper than in the air.
  23. I mounted mine on the kitchen counter once.
  24. You don't need to use round up either. there are products that will kill weeds and not grass.
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