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Everything posted by Duff1647545513

  1. It was alright. I'll give it another chance since it was the set up episode. Archer is much better though
  2. Damn. I didn't realize how fast they can climb.
  3. Damn dude. Great job and congratulations. Best of luck with the muscle building, seems like you'll have no problems
  4. I think when captain kirk killed the lizard alien in the fist fight it brought balance to the force and then he helped fly the Enterprise into the death star and blew it up
  5. Try cleaning the flame sensor. It kinda looks like a little pin sticking up where the flames can hit it. If he had cleaned stuff and it was working fine for awhile, there's a chance the flame sensor got dirty again, sometimes it takes a few years between cleanings. There are tons of YouTube videos if you want a visual on how to do it
  6. http://thetrainyardteahouse.blogspot.com/?m=1 My brother and I use Chris Jacobs at Train yard Teahouse and sometimes he's at Fate. Here are a couple pictures of work he did for my brother, everything you see in the pictures is is work except the red and black star http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m165/Jduffey/Mobile%20Uploads/303911_592938365149_1153650574_n.jpg http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m165/Jduffey/Mobile%20Uploads/149702_314423345302712_2021928356_n.jpg[/url] http://i104.photobucket.com/albums/m165/Jduffey/Mobile%20Uploads/Grenade1.jpg
  7. I have a niece or nephew that will most likely be born on Christmas day. So that's cool, I only have to buy one present a year for him/her
  8. I didn't look at any of all two posts, but Marshall Mathers LP2 is the best thing to happen to rap in a long the, so I'll just assume that is what this thread is about
  9. They completely surrounded him and wouldn't let him out and were shoving Wilson before the fight started. That was bull shit, way more Michigan players should be gone
  10. He was a member on here, but not very active on the board. Danny Toops passed away last night in a crash. I grew up with him and he was such a great person. His diesel performance company was just starting to really take off. Some of you should know him, he used to be into DSMs and would come out to meets and track rentals. Today is a sad day, I'm really at a loss for words. RIP Danny.
  11. Brake lines, shocks, struts, tune, bearings. Need to get this fucker drivable And a bunch of indecisive car shopping that never seems to end
  12. I tell myself every year that I'm not getting the new CoD, but I'm sure I'll give in eventually after playing at someone's house like I do every damn time
  13. I looked on amazon for shits and they're selling the 9oz boxes 6 for $50ish. Good luck.
  14. My grandparents have one free if you move it. I'll try to get pictures tomorrow.
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