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Everything posted by silverhatch

  1. silverhatch

    hey CR

    I've been lurking around from time to time. Sti is running ok, still same mods, exhaust and intake. I don't have any plans in the near future to do any more mods. My hubby is working on his CRX right now and it needs lots of stuff still to get done. I guess you've been doing some mods over the winter?
  2. silverhatch

    hey CR

    Welcome Sin. It's about time you made it to this site.
  3. Sounds like the same mods as mine. I won't be getting any more mods though since hubby is working on his car right now. I'm a member of both but haven't been on NASIOC in a very long time and can't even remember my screen name, but a regular on COS. I also used to be a fox body owner. I had a 93 LX 5.0. That car was fun!
  4. Welcome. What color STi? Any mods?
  5. I have an 06 sti and have had the rear struts replaced on both sides twice already and they could use it again but aren't under warranty anymore. Also if you're looking for an in dash sirius unit, go for an 07 +. I wish I had known this before I bought mine. Earlier models can be upgraded - see Spaceghost- he knows a lot about this.
  6. Welcome another Newark area person. I work in Newark.
  7. My trucker hubby works for an oil company and said usually the switch takes place by June. I do know that they stopped putting the clear mix in for diesel fuel about 3 weeks ago.
  8. I enjoy the politics talk and love when Tucker calls in. I'd much rather listen to political talk than about who's going to be at the local Playboy house since I'm not a guy. I also love when Ned makes prank phone calls, the one where he called the arch dioses (sp, I'm not catholic) in Boston was awesome.
  9. +1 for Bubba I would much rather listen to him than Howard.
  10. silverhatch


    Another lady..welcome
  11. I contacted a guy in Granville about 6 months ago regarding this. I'll check around the house here for the name and #.
  12. Mine got phished yesterday. It's good they didn't delete it.
  13. Nice job Sam. :thumbup: Channel 4's report was much better. It had more visable shots of the cars and didn't call us street racers.
  14. Thanks. I guess I'll check those out later since I'm at work. :nod:
  15. I've never been on either one of those sites, but I guess I'll have to start looking. Let me know if you find one before I do. Thanks for your help.
  16. I meant that we never make it to any COS meets because they are on Friday or Saturday nights. I am seriously considering doing this when Uncle Sam sends me some $$.
  17. Ouch 330, well maybe I'll think about trying it. I'll look you up if I decide to try it. I don't ever make it to any meets either. I have a 3 1/2 year old little girl and a 3 month old little boy. Also, my hubby who also is a big car enthusiast works Sat-Wed, which doesn't allow us to get out ever.
  18. I guess I'm going to have to come out to one of the COS meets so I can take a look at your setup.
  19. Spaceghost- Before I begin let me mention I'm technology stupid, with that being said, let me ask you a couple questions. I have an 06 and it appears the radios in the 07's are different, correct? I would like to have a setup like yours, could I completely eliminate the Starmate that I have if I switched out the radio for an 07? I have my antenna mounted in the same spot as you do already. Is that the stock antenna that came with my Starmate or a different one you purchased on yours? Thanks. I guess I need to get "schooled" in this.
  20. That stinks. You did the conversion on your STi to elimate the windshield mount didn't you?
  21. Country for me. We own 5 wooded acres on a one lane dirt road. It sucks that my car is always dirty but I love the quiet surroundings.
  22. Nice choice. I'm starting to like the black STIs more and more everyday.
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