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Everything posted by rch10007

  1. Awww...I hope I didn't hurt your wittle feewings mommas boy.
  2. I love to see dipshits that ride rice rockets calling someone else a ricer!
  3. I'm going to edjumacate you a bit. Some will read my post and understand what my meaning was. Just becasue someone types something and it makes sense to them, does not mean everyone else will get it. That's pretty selfish to even assume so either you don't know this or are just selfish. I assume you are just naturally contradictory which is why you can't see that. If you don't agree, think about where I am coming from before you just assume you are right and I am wrong. There is always a reason for conflict. Sometimes it's me, sometimes it's you, but it is always us. Triple, FTW!
  4. That's because you aren't smart enough to realize semantics can be a bitch.
  5. You are saying your environment controls you and I am saying the opposite. You control your environment. These concepts are not the same thing. You are who you are because of your EXPERIENCES in life NOT your ENVIRONMENT. You choose to be a Shepard or the sheep. It's your choice. What is your definition of environment? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment The natural environment, commonly referred to simply as the environment, is a terminology that is comprised of all living and non-living things that occur naturally on Earth or some region thereof. The social environment (context), also known as the milieu, is the identical or similar social positions and social roles as a whole that influence the individuals of a group. The social environment of an individual is the culture that he or she was educated and/or lives in, and the people and institutions with whom the person interacts. A given social environment is likely to create a feeling of solidarity amongst its members, who are more likely to keep together, trust and help one another. Members of the same social environment will often think in similar styles and patterns even when their conclusions differ.
  6. A product of my environment? That's a fucking excuse to FAIL. After 5th grade, I was shipped out of my white neighborhood to predominately black schools. There were schools within miles of my house, but I had to be shipped halfway across town. Does this make me black? I listen to Rap so does that make me a gangster? I used to get my ass beat by groups of black kids on the way to the bus because I am white. Does that make me a victim? :gtfo: You are either smart enough to recognize and adapt to your environment (survivalist) or you are a victim of your environment, but either way, you are not a product of it. If you believe that, than you must think that you CANNOT control your environment. Maybe that's why you feel the need to help the homeless and "poor" people in the ghetto. Simply because you think those people have no control over their environment and are damned to live in poverty for the rest of their lives. They are just a product...not.
  7. Schools are just daycare. Which one of you actually got a good education before 12th grade? Maybe it's just me but the only things I learned were how to skip school, drive my 4X4 to the beach and go surfing, rolling fatties, building bonfires, and practicing my sex ed on the girls who dared to tag along. EDIT - oh, and how to build bongs and drink beer and avoid cheap ass MD 20/20.
  8. And a triple in your fail thread, because I can. Here's your sign: http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0
  9. http://images.encyclopediadramatica.com/images/1/14/COS_EFG_party.gif
  10. He failed when he woke up. And, we all know you vote how mommy tells you to.
  11. He didn't say he drank. He said he had a long one.
  12. Well, come down to the buttsects bar and I will push in your stool!
  13. I know that I personally have been stockpiling more. I don't think the world is coming to an end. I just need more practice!
  14. That's a shame. I really hoped Hawaii was on to something. I guess now, they'll be onto something else. There are many countries that have successful universal healthcare programs. But then again, their system isn't corrupted by insurance companies.
  15. That's not child support! That's a redneck babysitter!
  16. HAHAHHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHHAHAHH!!!!!!!!!! ...because my Mom has a PhD...that makes me smart too! HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!! Does Mommy still cut those crusty edges off your PB&J sandwiches too?
  17. http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site567/2008/1015/20081015__newsA4rossAdFlap1016_Gallery.jpg http://www.daily-times.com/news/ci_10731717
  18. I'm voting Republican because I will shoot your ass for the hell of it. I'm voting Republican because I don't want to watch you in the pasture fucking your horse. I'm voting Republican because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are not enough and the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% is obscene. I'm voting Republican because I want a smaller gooberment so that I can cheat on my taxes without someone watching over me. I'm voting Republican because if I wanted you to speak, I would take my dick out of your throat. I'm voting Republican because I made millions off this war and I am not ready to cash in my Exxon stock yet. I'm voting Republican because I own stock in Toyota and drive a Lincoln Navigator. I'm voting Republican because we can replace those bastards on death row with thousands of new suckers who will buy my products. I'm voting Republican because I have a business making $550K per year by selling liberals "organic" everything. I'm voting Republican because I believe Conservative judges will keep marriage between Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steveinya. I'm voting Republican because I don't like my hair smelling like shit. A Conservative is a person who thinks changes in life are Hell Spawn created by Satan coming to steal their soul.
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