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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Sounds like a blast. Kind of glad I didn't go, I doubt I'd be able to keep up with you all. I'd like to head out next time for a ride though. I'll have to check the meetings spot more often. Anyone have an idea of next time you may go out riding?
  2. I'll come take a look at it if this Honda falls through. I'll PM you tonight or tomorrow.
  3. How did I miss this! You all be safe and have fun. I'd be there but I'm just now reading.
  4. Try logging out then back in. This happened to me a few times before I quit the game. It may be there when you log back in.
  5. How has this game been going for you all? last I checked before I quit I was leading my town, and everyone I had added to my friends list by quite a good bit and was stretching that daily. Haven't logged back on since they changed the value of rent.
  6. Nice house! Makes me wish I was done with school and had a real job baaad! glws
  7. If you get an FM transmitter I suggest the Monster brand. They seem to have the best connection with the least interference in my experience, other than that I say plug it in directly to your stereo if that's an option.
  8. I think Gearhead is looking for something like this.
  9. I really did laught out loud. Sounds like something one of my friends would end up doing.
  10. I quit this game. I quit building on all my streets and everything. If you're going to reset a game address all of the problems immediately and don't just do a 24hr reset just so the game can be up again.
  11. I'm pretty sure it is. But why change something like that after a reset? It's stupid. I see this game failing extremely hard.
  12. I think I'm going to quit this game. It just turned into a massive fail. All of my streets rent dropped more than 2x what they were earning before.
  13. Servers are SOOOO SLOW! I can't even log in. Info on the update?
  14. PMd I'm not tired of it but a car holds more priority. If it goes it goes, if it doesn't it doesn't. I don't have to get rid of it but if I do I can get another loan when spring rolls around.
  15. BMW is getting sold.


    Got broken into and I don't want to take the time and money to get it back to where it needs to be.


    I don't need to sell the bike but if it helps me get a car than it will go and I'll hopefully get a new one next year.

  16. I've been searching for them too, just not heavily. They're definitely next on my list. Thanks but not really what I'm looking for.
  17. A car is more important than a bike right now.

    I can always get another loan for a bike and it's cheaper to have full coverage on a bike than it is for me to get a loan and have full coverage on a car.

  18. Looking for a car for 3 thousand give or take a little bit. 5 spd> Auto NO RUST PLEASE I have an 07sv650s for possible trade with a yoshi slip on and under 4k on it but I'm driving it daily weather permitting for transportation so the mileage will be changing. Thanks.
  19. Should bring in 14 mil tomorrow I think from rent. Then build build build and that should turn into making 25mil+ the day after. This game is going to get fun when you're building and buying all this shit.
  20. Staying low key is hard. I've had a few problems occur with my safety buildings being destroyed and then having hazards planted on my streets but I worked around it for a little bit. After I get my rent today and some more chance cards all should be gravy, I hope.
  21. Simple enough, don't drink and drive. Two weeks and two of my friends get OMVI. It sucks but it's a hard lesson to learn.
  22. I just got a chance card saying. You can get 10% off your next Hasbro order, copy the code below. What a waste of a chance card.
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