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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I hate ebay, but it is up there now, and Craigslist has not been friendly to me on this item for some reason.

    Normally I post and get blown up, I don't know why this has not sold yet, it's a 550 dollar helmet, but the design knocked it down to 300 as it was obviously not selling well.


    This helmet is extremely comfortable and light, and has many great features, plus it's still brand new.


    If anyone would like to trade I'm really interested in a nice / decent camera.

  2. Bought it online, or I would have and the return policy was 10 days.

    It's way passed that but thanks. I thought about that and would love to get back all 300 but that's not an option.


    I'm not in desperate need of the cash, but it's nicer to have it than something that's not going to use.

  3. Do you honestly expect a team to make it far in their first year of the playoffs?

    The playoffs are an entire different story than the regular season, next year will be exciting to watch.

  4. Meijer Gas Station on Broad has the Pepsi Throwback so I'm sure the Mountain Dew is there too.


    I'm not a big soda drinker but there is a noticeable difference for the better I would say. Still won't drink the shit more than once a week though if that.

  5. I just got a job at Waterbeds N' Stuff and I do enjoy that. I also work at a pizza shop and it's not a bad gig. I just have these so I can pay for school.


    I see school as my main job now and I hate it. Wish I could just skip it and get out into the business world and start doing something interactive.


    I'm afraid to leave school because I think it's the only way I'm going to be able to live my life the way I want to.

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