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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I got in an accident back in Feb. of 07. The accident was in Fayette. I had to go to Columbus, then Fayette, then back to Columbus for court.


    Apparently from what my insurance agent is telling me I got points from both counties for the same accident.


    Where do I go to get these taken off and what should I have with me to prove it?

    It's on my record as failure to control the vehicle, same date and everything.


    Also, anyone have the link to the free driving record thing?

  2. I went and got some shift street shoes today.


    Nice feeling on the feet, and hold snug around the ankles nicely. Good amount of protection in the toe. The sides of the shoes I think could use a little more padding but they felt good on the feet so.

  3. Bought my bike from a Private seller which is the first time. Got a loan from the bank, but they are holding onto the title and they in about 2 weeks I should have the Title that I get to hang onto.


    How do I go about getting plates and tags now? Do I go ask for the title from the bank and take it back to them, or can I show them my loan papers proving that I purchased the bike?


    First time buying from a Private seller and I'm a little confused on how this is supposed to work out.


    I really don't want to wait 2 weeks to get my title mailed to me.

  4. Got my bike today.

    07sv650s with 2,107 miles on it. Got it for a steal as far as I'm concerned.

    Heading to the pony tomorrow to get fitted up for a jacket, grab some foot wear while I'm there.


    Tag it up and insure it on Monday and then get used to it.


    Can't wait to finally get out on the road, but I'm going to take my time getting used to it so I don't eat shit my first day out.

  5. It depends on which one you buy.


    Some are made like shit and some aren't. A guy at my work quit cigarettes completely using this.


    I'd stay away from the Luci brand IMO, and go with the Smoking Everywhere brand. We have them at Waterbeds N' Stuff and they are 99.99 right now because were honoring a coupon that's out there. Originally they are 150.

  6. I think boots are just extremely uncomfortable and I've never put on a pair of boots I liked on my foot.


    I have no problem at all with ankle high shoes, as that is all I wear, they cover all of my ankle.


    I don't give two shits what I look like, so that's not the problem, it's just the feel of them on my feet. Heavy, clunky, just don't like them.


    I also won't wear anything on a bike that's not covering my ankles and have some sort of support for them.

  7. How do most boots compare to shoe sizes.


    I wear an 11 converse with just a little extra toe room.


    I know when I bought Ice Skates you were supposed to have as little toe room as possible, I'm assuming the same for riding shoes.

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