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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I have a cat that he seems fine with. He will chase it when my boxer does, but when it's just him in the room he is fine w/ it. Walks up and smells her, then that's the end of it.


    He's fine w/ my female boxer, just not my male dog.

  2. Old pics. He is not so skinny anymore. That was when I first brought him back to the house.


    I got him off CR quite a few months back, but he is really bothering my other dog now where it's getting to the point I can't stand it, nor anyone else in my house so he has to go.


    He is at healthy weight now.

  3. Black lab mix with I have no idea what.

    I would say about 55 lbs.

    1 1/2 years old, has had his first year shots, is not fixed.


    He's fine w/ our girl boxer but is picking on our Golden Retriever and it's just not working out at all.


    Potty Trained 100 percent. Never made a mess in the house.

    Listens to basic commands, but is still in the puppy stage.


    I need him gone by tomorrow. If I have no serious interest I will be taking him somewhere.




  4. I filed and all that good stuff, but it was just to show that I made what I made and I don't think I was supposed to get anything back at all, I mean I owed money.


    Apparently the way I filed the first time I was supposed to get back this 1400 but when double checking it looked as if it was wrong.


    If I get to keep it I'm not complaining by any means, but I need my dogs balls cut off and this money helps.

  5. So I filed all my taxes and all that what not a while back, but my mom claimed me so we could get some more money back since I was a student.


    I had some money in a money market that we withdrew for school this year and the tax on it was 1200 or so. I pay that, then get a letter from Ohio tax saying I still owe 170 dollars, pay that and all is good.


    Now today I get a check in the mail for 1300 dollars as a refund? Why? There is also a notice saying, if you believe this check is for to much you will have to mail it back, you will receive something in the mail in a few days. But why would I get this check anyway? I'm confused and want to know if I can spend some of this money.

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