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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Everything posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. Morabu- phone call soon. 88- I'll let you know what happens.
  2. Where is that at? That is just ridiculous. I'm surprised those cars even saw them and got over for them. If that was in Ohio they would be dead.
  3. Why not buy land, then build what you would need to accommodate the size that you are looking for? If you get a place within an hour or two of water, people could store boats and water stuff too. Now is the time to buy, and buying land is a great investment, especially a little more further East of your area, I'm only talking 20 min.
  4. Been hearing that a lot, and I remember you telling me that in my NOOB thread I made. It's in my mind for sure. I'm just saving for a bike now, and the 500 from taxes I'm getting should help that out quite a bit.
  5. I lost my phone at Kings Island while on a roller coaster. Went back and the people still had it. I don't know how, but I was not complaining it had not fallen out on a loop or something.
  6. I already do this in my car. But I'm a lot more protected in my car than I am on a bike.
  7. Well it'd be worth it to me than having to worry about some ass hat not paying attention running into me.
  8. Nice. I wish I had money when you were selling that SV. That's the bike I'ma get this year.
  9. qfm96 in the morning. Wags and Elliot crack me up.
  10. I've been thinking of playing B league. C league is no competition at all. And yeah, we have about 9-15 guys per game including a goalie.
  11. Main reason for asking was, I was riding with a friend who had just got his license and he was one of those stop on a dime breakers. We were behind a bike on a one lane road and every time we were coming to a complete stop, be it someone turning, or a red light he was on this dudes ass and I was shitting bricks that he was going to hit him. I don't want some dumbass who is not paying attention and texting on his phone rear ending me.
  12. Could not remember. My friend saw him run when he was in track and I always got mixed up b/w the 4x100, 100, and the 400. Either way, he is fast, just needs to get through the holes, and find his way on the outsides.
  13. Ipod/ other mp3> than any radio station/ radio device.
  14. This is also something that happens to me. Happened to my friend when he was quitting and it was terrible.
  15. No one can see them so that does not do enough for me.
  16. Did not want to make a new thread, but has anyone had any experience with cops getting you for this in stand still traffic? Or on the other hand just letting you go? Also, what if you are at a light and move to the front of the light next to another car. I know it is illegal for two vehicles to share the same lane, but how do MOST cops react to this?
  17. I wish I had a V8 in my bimmer. I don't have the knowledge or the money to do it though.
  18. Saine holds the Ohio record for the 400? He holds the state record for something in track I know that. He is fast, he just needs to be able to find the holes and get to the outside.
  19. You can always go back to school. But you can't always get a chance at a multimillion dollar contract if you get injured again. That is my take on it.
  20. Ok, that makes sense. Thanks for all the responses.
  21. Honestly, size is not everything in hockey. I was one of the smaller kids in my league and I would knock anyone who stepped up to me on there ass. It's all about balance and knowing how to take and give hits. The kid will do just fine, especially with his quickness, yes he will take a hit or two, but his style does not ask for great size. He is a constant mover, not a kid that sits in front of the net.
  22. To tall for most of our gear. Best I could do is let you use my pants because I like some of my gear to big, but I sort of need those because I don't like the feel of his. If you are interested though just let me know. I know getting gear is EXPENSIVE, especially when you have to get it all at once. I think we have 4 seasons a year if you don't make this one or don't feel comfortable skating. If you go to a drop in let me know and I'll try to make it out, I don't do free skates though.
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