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Radio Flyer1647545514

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Posts posted by Radio Flyer1647545514

  1. I've now got a chemex on the way with an Able Kone which I'm real excited to try out. I also got the Able disk for the aeropress and got a slow pour kettle as well, both of which have made a huge improvement in taste.


    I'll report back on what I think of the chemex when it arrives.


    Here is a shot of the aerorpress after the water was poured just before I capped it and pressed using the inverted method.



  2. I know billiards plus has them as well and that's where I got my last set at. I'm not looking for a real cheap starter set. I throw enough that it's worth spending a little more extra coin.


    I'll look at DPS. Thanks for the suggestion.

  3. I'd rather have him walking around with an AR than the majority of people I see handling firearms at the range.


    Since when does an 18 year war vet make gun owners look bad? He's the exact person I would want walking around with an AR. I'd trust him and his gun handling skills over the majority of police.


    Also, him being a war vet, his AR is not what he would see as "Heavy Fire Power". He looks at firearms differently than a regular citizen. Most troops will say it's an underpowered weapon.


    If a war vet who's served 18 years isn't trusted with an AR walking with his son, who is?


    The police shouldn't have taken his weapon unless they thought he had committed a felonious crime.


    Also, you live in an area with no real threats that would call for an AR. Why would you walk around with one with your son? This person has a purpose for his weapon, which is hogs. I can only assume he has larger caliber firearms at home that I would deem unnecessary, he chose the correct TOOL for the job.


    I walk around with a 9mm on me when I walk by myself and with my girlfriend. If I thought I may run into feral hogs I would be carrying an AR with me too, good thing I live in the city and this isn't an issue. For his area I would deem his weapon necessary.

  4. The citizen was being a fucking cocksucker. Plain and simple. He's shocked the police station got multiple calls of a guy walking around with what looks to be a machine gun? Of course the police are going to investigate it. Cockbags like this do nothing but hurt the cause for conceal carry laws.


    I don't see how he's hurting the cause for CCW laws. He's hurting the OC laws. Seeing as how you can legally open carry I don't see a problem. They should've stopped him and spoken with him to see what he was dong. Once he told them what he was doing they should've been on there way.


    People don't open carry because of instances like this, which sucks. I don't open carry because I don't want something like this to happen to me. If it weren't for instances like this I would open carry more often because it's more comfortable to OC than conceal IMO.

  5. I'll check for ya when you go. I think I'll take a pen and some paper and get all the info I can and post it for you all. Otherwise I'll forget. lol



    I called yesterday, their prices are up on it 100 dollars per case. They have 115gr CCI Blazer Brass @ 360 a case.

  6. I have some Hornady 75gr .223 Tap and some Winchester FMJBT 55gr 5.56 Nato.


    I'm looking to trade for some 40gr Eley, CCI, or Fiocchi .22lr.


    Edit: I will also have 1000+ Federal Champion 36gr HP .22lr I'll trade for other .22lr. I need test rounds to see what my gun likes. I'll trade for tester packs. Match labeled ammo preferred.

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