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Everything posted by iwashmycar

  1. I can only suggest calling ESurance. EVERY time I have had to switch (moved a lot) if I could use ESurance I have. Even after calling all the other places. They are always just a delight to talk to....and cheapest for same coverages Heck if you are having a bad day just call them up. People are almost too nice lol .
  2. That is true...even if some dude were peering through his window...you cant just shoot him. In this case I think taking it out with a bat or something would be more fitting. If you can get it with that, its too close
  3. It took a really messed up person to put all those hours in on that.
  4. Probably something more major...guessing it prompted the "$15,000 color change"
  5. Im a huge fan of the Black Turtle Wax stuff. I do a lot of offroad so I have a bazilliion "pinstripes" from trees and brush. This stuff helps hide a lot of it and doesnt infill anything with any white haze. Works great on black and I would highly recommend it. Can get it most anywhere too.
  6. Damn it I regret not going to check it out this year.
  7. Wow. Impressive as heck. I might have to get mine on the books sometime as well....maybe after I add some more trail pinstripes this weekend....
  8. I think you will love a giant truck. If your head is that much into it go for it. I went from my old slammed turbo Mini to the lumbering lifted FJ...was a huge difference. Still one of the best decisions I have made as I love driving it...slow, auto, ect. Sure youll miss a fast handling car sometimes, but maybe you have other cars for that...I dunno. You can get a LOADED 5.4 F150 (2011-2012 or so FX4 / STX / ect) for around 20. Lot of truck for the money. It isnt all over 100K for 30 large unless you are really looking at the supreme models...which you may be.
  9. Unless they have been there a while, they very well could be temporary. They did that down by my parents in Canal. If you are familiar, Deitz (sp?) Drive runs through Westchester and a lot of homes. They had detoured all of Gender Road through there while they were putting in a round-about last year. They installed those bastards in two spots along Deitz at the time. I do think they had a sign or two up, but I dont really recall.
  10. I dont care how "mild" the winter will be lol. Cold is cold. I am just hoping we can catch a break come fall and this crazy volatile waves of rain BS calms down!
  11. Call Charlie up as CSN Motorsports. You will not be disappointed. (I dont mean that in regards to anything posted above, but I had amazing service and work done by them)
  12. I cannot see any reason why they wouldnt fit a 4WD truck...unless they are worried they could contact the CVs when they are ballooning out from the springs a little.
  13. Jeeps do get a bad wrap, as it it probably warranted. They rust out and break a lot...but they have a cult following. We make fun of them all day long, but then try to imitate them with tube doors and sorry attempts at long travel IFS to try and match the solid axle for better offroading in our Toyotas. They are certainly one-of-a kind in that regard. In OHIO, with no reasonable offroading and mostly terrible weather...no thank you. At least not as a daily. They are definitely more of a niche vehicle (especially an older one). I'd still love to have one as a beater, top off, stick shift, ect.
  14. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/forum/340x.jpg
  15. Ditto. I hated SC, but we were in Columbia...Like Dayton with more heat, poor people, and fire ants. Fack that! Ill take whatever dry (or mostly dry) 75 degree evenings I can on the front porch with a fat stogie. Should help me forget about the rainy days commute lol
  16. Looks to be no real definite end in sight. This atmospheric cooling BS. When its warm (summer) we get this crazy rain....when its cold (winter) we will get the brutal cold and only moderate snows. Maybe next year we will get another 2012. No rain, but absolutely fuck-you hot out. Kind of scary when you think about it.
  17. http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a299/iwashmycar/forum/166872_so_much_win_graphic3.jpg
  18. I think that is awesome they are willing to tape it up for you. Even if (somehow) some residue were to come off the tape and onto the paint, it would come off incredibly easy with a wash. Go for it.
  19. Id travel OH to SC plenty with my gun in the trunk. No ammo anywhere though. I just didnt want to leave it at home in case someone decided to rob us while away for a week or so.
  20. Interesting...I guess gearing and whatnot could come into play on how it actually delivers the power... Sounds sick though
  21. Are these stock wheels? If so...just get these http://topautospeed.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/2014-Audi-S4-Black-Optic-Package.jpg I think the BBS ones look kind of dumb, and while Rotiform ect are sweet, on stock height not-so-much.
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