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Everything posted by sol740

  1. The Center for Disease Control over a twenty year tracking period has the Pit Bull as the number one canine killer. Of course many dispute that stating that the "Pit Bull" isn't actually a single breed. Which would put the Rottweiler into the number one slot. Regardless even separating the breeds one would classify as 'bully' would likely keep them in the 2 through 5 or higher slots, with the disparities between number of casualties dropping sharply as you go down the list by breed.
  2. LMAO !!! Man you just keep finding ways to make me chuckle. You pick the one guy on here that is willing to race just about anyone on wheels (including the disabled) and say he won't back up his talk ? Please enlighten me as to whom "everyone" is. The only one on here who has talked a bunch of shit and done nothing (except blow his motor) is you.
  3. I have the deja vu, but when a cockerspaniel bites someones hand they tend to have to get stitches. When an irresponsible owner's pit bull goes apeshit on the neighbors kids, dismemberment and death are much more likely. Then you combine that with image of the dog being a 'tough-guy' dog and you attract a less than capable crowd of owners who probably shouldn't be allowed to raise a hamster let alone a powerful animal like many bully breeds. Then multiply that by the fact that many are raised by unscrupulous types to fight and kill each other for the purpose of gambling, and you have a ripe news-worthy story everytime. Pits don't nessesarily get a fair shake in the media, but its not completely unwarranted.
  4. Some of you folks is priceless. Politicians kill or are responsible for killing people every single day, and one that may have been an accident (its plausible) is the thing people harp on. That's tits.
  5. So that's the dress code, no wonder why people always stare at me.
  6. sol740


    That's some of the worst "metal" I've ever heard. He does have a Danzigish quality in his voice, plus a lot more sucking.
  7. Can't go wrong with Hyde Park, or Ruth Chris.
  8. I have several of her saved, but now I have more
  9. sol740


    Mem-or-ies ... http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/lolpaul2.jpg
  10. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/lolpaul.jpg
  11. So I need to borrow someones Camaro huh ? Phil, still got the mullet wig ?
  12. How the fuck are there two god damn threads about Paul. Holy shit now there's three. Fuck you CR.
  13. I seriously wish it was legal to have a flamethrower theft deterrent system. I'd get all Saving Private Ryan "Noooo ... let em burn!"
  14. Boy you should have saved that 'car card'.
  15. Anybody else with the name Silva should be banned. I call for no more Silva's. I know its like 'Smith' down there, but fuck.
  16. I like your Camaro, I'd say keep it if you can.
  17. That would be stupid ... its Wastegate.
  18. Welcome, sounds like a cool collection, looking forward to pics.
  19. I use to go to 35 for the Horror movie marathons, one year Bruce Campbell was there. I will check this out for sure, that place rules.
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