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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I <3 you. Welcome Roger. Clean ride as I said before.
  2. sol740

    Sonic - 8/29

    One of these days I will make it. Then the fun will begin. Who's up for Jenga !?!?
  3. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/jazzed.jpg
  4. As long as I get a face in my crotch.
  5. So many questions ...
  6. I can completely understand being OC about ones vehicle, but its a pretty simple concept to grasp that there's only one person that cares about how clean your car is, and it's not your neighbor watering his lawn. I can't tell you how many times I've washed and waxed one of the vehicles only to go out and get stuck behind construction vehicles throwing dirt everywhere. It happens, and its not the construction workers fault I was being so anal. If you get that pissy about real world conditions than after you detail your car don't go anywhere, or cover it in plastic before you go out, or just deal with it. This is probably a little obsessive, but everytime I give my car a good cleaning (wash, clay, polish, wax, interior detail) I usually have a plan to go somewhere, and take some pics. That way I always get something tangible out of busting my ass for 3 hours besides a fleeting sense of accomplishment.
  7. Well I'm a reflective surface enthusiast, and the way his lights reflect off of your windows absolutely gets my rocks off. I swear to god if you tell him to turn off those light I will fucking kick your face into your ass.
  8. I loved Tron, but seriously Hollywood, fuck you. Leave old shit alone, make new stuff. Unless this turns out good, like the PC video game, than I'll say I was all for it.
  9. I can't believe you guys just started playing the Game. Don't you guys go to 4chan. Shit. I just lost.
  10. Here I lol ... Here I lol. I wouldn't take too kindly to someone harassing me about watering my lawn either.
  11. Wait a minute ... you're black !?!? And welcome again Newb, I have since given you +rep.
  12. sol740

    Friday Night 8/21

    Man I want to get out of my house, been locked down since the baby was born, but I'll probably end up playing Trials, then COD4.
  13. Welcome Kyle, clean car. I was in Marengo once, interesting place.
  14. Yuck Yuck ... so disappointed with that joke, the setup was involved and interesting, and then swat, swat, swat at the lowest hanging fruit.
  15. Yes, don't be him LOL. Nice intro and some cool pics. I don't rep folks until I see how they handle themselves amongst the general population, but pending some serious fail I'll be giving you the ol' plus, which sounds totally gay, but I swear, balls don't even touch.
  16. So everyone hates this guy that drives the black one in Delaware huh. I'm going to throw powdered donuts at his car the next time I see it. Or I might eat them. Throwing them sounds nice though.
  17. So thats why you werent gaming.
  18. sol740


    LOL, gotta love kids.
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