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Everything posted by sol740

  1. http://lh3.ggpht.com/_AOjPSDMZRCI/Sikjrba4wLI/AAAAAAAAAX0/Z0V0Rw44AHc/IMGP0938.JPGhttp://lh6.ggpht.com/_AOjPSDMZRCI/SikjrQq7bhI/AAAAAAAAAXw/wYwnWaNIZzY/IMGP0949.JPGhttp://lh3.ggpht.com/_AOjPSDMZRCI/Sikjrf1AV9I/AAAAAAAAAX8/-UyIfhghKTM/eagle.jpg I fixed your inter-hoppers. Clean cars.
  2. Since when were STI's respectable cars ? I kid I kid, welcome. Though pics aren't showing for me.
  3. Mine are rattled, but they are chipping in places. Will have W/M powder coat them when I can.
  4. I'm fucking with you man ... that's gonna happen here.
  5. At least you go to the meets. I'll give you +rep for that. Though I swear to god if I see you ricing out at any point in time ... Well there really won't be anything I can do, but I'll think terribly of you.
  6. sol740

    about me

    I think I've seen your ride around town, I live in blacklick. Welcome.
  7. Mike is the King of Team Output. I think we have his business card somewhere. Hey noobs, little more info and try not to burn too much and ya might make it. At least your cars not all riced out, it actually looks pretty clean.
  8. So is that a chick with a very poor looking body, but a nice face ? And here comee the BOOOOOOOOOOOO's.
  9. Congrats !!! We're due any day now.
  10. Generally I wouldn't link pics bigger than 800x600 (and usually do 640x480 or so) unless they were to show off a hi-res shot or something. For two reasons: 1. For bandwidth reasons. 2. So people on smaller screens and notebooks don't have to scroll back and forth to read a post. Though its definitely better than before. X2, thats hot.
  11. sol740

    cubical life

  12. HOLY HELL GIANT PIC !!! And .. welcome to CR.
  13. That sounds like a callout.
  14. Dark Gunmetal. Or pink ... you know why ...
  15. The eyes are closed on that smiley.
  16. Night sweetcheeks ... XD XD XD
  17. Great, well this isn't a chatroom so lets layoff the "GIGGLE GIGGLE LOL LOL XD XD GIGGLE LOL GIGGLE" You started so well.
  18. THEY HAVE TV'S IN THE LOUNGES ?!?!? Holy shit I'm there.
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