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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Welcome, nice intro and clean car.
  2. If someone doesn't tell me who the fastest street car is right now I'm gonna explode with anticipation !!!
  3. sol740

    cubical life

    Put a little sign up. "If theres a sock on the door I'm beatin it."
  4. sol740

    cubical life

    I'm in an Officle in the corner. Which isn't so bad, its 2-3 times the size of a normal cubicle. I just wish it had a door so I could tell people to go away.
  5. Me love you ... short time ???
  6. I have water. I'm just letting it run in your honor.
  7. You guys should start a club. You guys need a drummer/guitarist for the CR band ?
  8. You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi! You: hi Stranger: hi You: howz it going Stranger: asl Stranger: fine u ? Stranger: asl You: u first You: ASL Stranger: 17.f,eua You: mmmm hmmmm ... so your a 17 yr old female that always asks for ASL, first thing into a chat ? Stranger: yep You: Im a 21/m/us Stranger: ok Stranger: cybersex? You: yeah sure but I am new to this ... Stranger: relax You: will do Stranger: u start You: so you here Im new to this and you want me to start !?!?! You: Sink or Swim? You: Ouch thats a lot of pressure ... Stranger: swim You: OK, hmmm ... what do you look like ? Stranger: i like bad guys You: BITCH WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU LOOK LIKE YOU WHORE !!! Your conversational partner has disconnected.
  9. NM ... My ascii goatse doesn't format right in the forum.
  10. I moved in with my mom for six months or so, while my house was being built, and my condo was being sold. The day I moved into the house I made a principle payment I was quite happy with.
  11. Psssssh ... I play video games to not move. Though with these lard-ass kids today I say any exercise that isn't "lifting sandwich to mouth" is probably a positive.
  12. That guy makes me feel like a douche.
  13. Are those FN01RC's on that ... Fit ?
  14. That was (pinky to lip) ... shocking ...
  15. Well you could adjust his neck ... then keep adjusting till theres no more popping.
  16. Seen it, fapped to it, let out a little screech when I pooed.
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