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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Don't sell the bike!
  2. Can't please em all. I will most definitely not be removing any of the decals on purpose. Plus I'm pretty sure the tank decals are clearcoated over. The graphics have grown on me, I could live without them, but if I have a Phoenix Edition, I might as well keep it that way.
  3. Godzilla vs Firechicken, I wonder which gear you'll be walking in when I'm all topped out.
  4. Yes, factory firechicken edition.
  5. Why do you think I bought it?
  6. I wasn't planning on grabbing another bike, but this was practically new with 800ish miles, and the price was pleasing. Not terribly uncomfortable, and pulled harder than I think I'll ever need. Maybe I'll get my ass out this year. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/600rrsm2_zpsl6asjvkm.jpg http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/600rrsm1_zpsgn1p4i6d.jpg
  7. Here's a pic of the driver's side, these are the digitial-fit liners. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/20130213_-picsay_zps8cc625a9.jpg
  8. Brand new these are 110+18s&h. I'm asking 70obo. This is the front row only.
  9. sol740


    Heard of, but never actually tried it.
  10. I want to do tactical drills and generally be a danger to the folks around me.
  11. sol740


    Saw the PG13 rating, and completely lost interest.
  12. sol740

    Walking Dead

    My thoughts exactly.
  13. Fair enough, but being a wearer of glasses, you don't often think of them, you just sort of forget they're there till they need cleaned, as such I believe benefit of the doubt falls with the Glasshole. Yes I agree, it would be a shaky hideous mess. Also, while federal the actual crime may be, having a device capable of recording video a crime equals not. Like you said, the feds know serious bootleggers peddle in screeners, or have elaborate means of making decent copies, this is a complete abuse, and all the agents involved need to be released from their pointless, wasteful positions.
  14. Keep in mind, being prescription glasses, the theater gladly sold him the ticket wearing the offending tech. I wouldn't take issue with a theater escorting someone out, maybe even explaining to their paying customer why they are being removed, possibly with refund in hand. I do take issue with a federal agency in charge of counter-terrorism, playing MPAA secret police, detaining a human being with zero evidence of a crime being committed. Not even a possible terrorist threat mind you, but some guy MIGHT be recording a fucking movie. GASP!
  15. ICE, part of Homeland Security, is the enforcement arm of the MPAA. Just let that sink in for a moment. The agency specifically created under the guise of combating terrorists, detains and harasses (likely illegally) a man wearing a tech-forward, yet fashionably objectionable accessory, that is functionally analogue to the phones in everybody else's pockets/purses. Nevermind those who may be wearing smart-watches. Not asked to leave, or remove the device. Gestapo interrogation, for hours. Because our terrorists, are now on the government dime.
  16. This was difficult to masturbate to, but when I found the "spritual and meditative depth" part I finally got there.
  17. Congrats! The jelly flows through me.
  18. I really like that setup. Want to shoot.
  19. Fuck MSU. Fuck the conference. Fuck their celebratory AIDS party.
  20. So happy both the streak, and the BCS, end on the same night. What a game too.
  21. I have to admit that I find that design, and similar designs to be fugly. However, the operation and price intrigue me enough that I could see myself owning one.
  22. That really sucks to hear, I wish you the best.
  23. That's just something Lucas didn't really think about too hard before putting it to paper. I know, hard to believe.
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