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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740


    The track was alright. Titties save all though.
  2. Right when the judge starts to talk, just interrupt him.
  3. LMAO ! I'm in IT, so ya I sit at a computer and use the interhoppers, a little gaming, some Photoshooping ... and sporadically ... even work.
  4. Why does "The Happiness Project" fill me with rage ?
  5. You have to get the word out immediately. Let the world know !!! Off topic ... have you ever had Jack Daniels before ?
  6. If life were so simple that it could be condensed in such a way I'd choose happy and poor, which of course it cannot be, so I'm wondering the significance of the question besides satisfying some odd, psycho-analytical curiosity. Though that's hardly your fault. I wonder if this is an exercise in how people answer questions, and not really about the question itself. Such as whether or not folks can answer the question directly, without injecting some pompous rant about ... Oh ... whoops.
  7. Losing a pet can be some emotional shit. I'm sorry to hear about this. I do think Austin is correct in his reply though, could've been anything really. The pain the dog was having originally could've been a precursor to a more serious condition that was misdiagnosed, due to a common breed issue. I wouldn't jump all over the vet unless it could be proven he was completely negligent. Regardless, I can understand why you're pissed.
  8. sol740


    I suppose thats the handgun version of down the river, and not across it.
  9. That would be the video for "A Message to my Mother" by Hank Williams.
  10. Those germans are always making good stuff.
  11. Noob smackdowns generally occur when noobs are dumbasses, you have steered far clear of that territory so far, the only smackdown you may recieve is on the track, and those come with :) Perdy ride, great intro, and a great looking family to boot. Welcome.
  12. Hey lets not go crazy here, you definitely suck. You just suck a little less now. Eventually you may continue on a grade of de-sucking long enough you may just cease sucking altogether. Then you move onto blowing. Then you get your columbusracing.com windshield sticker, membership card, some cocaine, and a two free lap dances at the fox.
  13. I usually only try to make fun of folks that are goofed the fuck up, all of their own accord. Like ricers ... or crack babies.
  14. You need an FD to fill out the collection. ET's ?
  15. You think you're the only one ? Clean car by the way.
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