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Everything posted by sol740

  1. I'm really sorry to hear about this, I hope for the best. This is probably the main reason I won't ride two wheels anymore, I'm too scared of everybody else.
  2. I'm actually here mostly for the buttsex, so your post is most alarming to me. I mean I've gone over and over again in my head about the attention to detail I give to even the most basic act of sodomy, no weird toys or animals needed. I really believe I am that caring of a lover ... so to hear CR buttsex put into such a poor light, really stretches my O-ring if ya get me. Wink Wink ... Ok I'm sorry about that ... now serious Sol is here. I am here because my friends in "real life" think I'm retarded for being as obsessed with cars (namely my car), as I am. They think I am out of mind for knowing engine, or chassis codes, for *how many* ever vehicles. So besides one or two other "car guys or gals" I may have met in Auto-tech, I come here (and to other online communities) for the obvious, to find automotive enthusiasts such as yourselves ... and to make witty observations, with impeccable timing, and brutal application, thusly taking one of those individuals I so purposefully sought out to meet, and destroying their self-esteem through group humiliation, and ostracization.
  3. Thats one of the cleanest 3rd's I've seen in a long time. Good job and welcome.
  4. I am hoping for the best.
  5. I really liked the demo, you could even say, it had me "tapped out" from FUN !!! Get it ? So much fun I just couldn't take it anymore, so I metaphorically "tapped out" (a reference to the sport of MMA), by not playing anymore.
  6. I wouldn't be offended cause you think Jesus looks like a wrestler. I think thats hilarious.
  7. I should've been more specific I suppose. People that watch the speed limits generally do so to avoid getting hassled. Most of those people, such as Tyler and yourself, "speed" within a small MPH of the posted limit, in essence "not really speeding at all" to most cops out there, unless they're being dicks that day. My comment was more directed at people that actually speed, such as myself, regularly 15 or so over the limit (well when I'm by myself anyway). If the speed limit goes up 5mph, it doesn't really effect us, I will still continue to do so, but I'm not going to specifically add 5mph to the 85 I was doing just cause the limit got raised. I'm all for 70mph limits though.
  8. Not likely, people will go as fast as they feel comfortable going, regardless of the posted limit.
  9. Looks like a nice place ... for me to poop in.
  10. You didn't want this guy ? http://media.popularmechanics.com/images/tb_jesuslead-lg.jpg
  11. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Pipeguy2.jpg
  12. sol740

    New guy

    Crankwalk ? I kid I kid, welcome Joe.
  13. Nice ride, I really dig the color. Welcome.
  14. Wow, thats pleasant. Don't park cars you care about outside overnight kids.
  15. sol740

    Noob here

    Read stickies, try again please. I appreciate that you actually drive your car, but we need info, pics, nudes of GF. Actually just nudes of GF ought to do.
  16. Damn man, you're on the ginger warpath recently.
  17. Congratulations, I read these "sentences" and my IQ dropped 5 points. That's not too terrible cause I have points to spare, but regardless I lost two theories on Einstein-Rosen Bridge and now I won't be able to generate revenue or tread over misanthropists. So I suppose the Great Depression only effected minorities. Also I have proof of black racists. Phil. You're in college ? Let me know if you need assistance, I did a thesis on Tonk Ba Donka Donk, I got a crunk+, the professor stated he had never given anyone a crunk+ before but I was just that good. He then preceded to pop, lock, and drop it, all up in my bizzness. It was disturbing. Well naturally not being able to ascertain a point of reference, fundamental to one's understanding of a particular subject, would be a hindrance to their comprehension. I suppose I just don't understand you crazy kids today ! Just because you found a working computer somewhere, and managed to beat it enough times to get it to turn on, and thusly managed to web your way onto the interhoppers, scowling and furrowing your brow amongst the beeps, blips, and dancing photons, doesn't mean we need to need to hear about it either.
  18. Congratz !!! If this is your first, be ready for the drive home. I think it was the most stressful 15 minute drive of my whole life, 10 and 2 the whole way home.
  19. sol740


    Why ? For suggesting that someone get those adorable puppies some fresh water straight from the river via trash bag ?
  20. Seriously all of these threads should be deleted.
  21. Fuck that, it means Your EJ205driving>His Lsxdriving. Comparing displacements and could-be, would-bes is for douche-canoeing.
  22. sol740


    Trash bag. River.
  23. No prelude needs 2 threads. Clean pics though.
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