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Everything posted by sol740

  1. Would someone in here please come over and scratch my balls. My hands are glued to the keyboard in anticipation of my replies.
  2. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/Funny/thegayisstrong.jpg
  3. sol740

    barbeque sauce

    Sweet baby rays is win. I can't believe I'm going to say this but ... Bob Evans Wildfire is fucking delicious.
  4. One could easily make that assumption, but I took your lowly human ninja, and turned him into a cyborg. Cyborg Ninja Steve ... the ultimate killing machine. He also makes a tasty cappuccino.
  5. sol740


    Did someone mention Glocks !?!?
  6. Guy beats off on dudes mustang, than says "Well now its worth more." Owner starts to cry.
  7. Thats gotta be a setup. Oh, and negative rep for no titties.
  8. This is teh funnies. Hey, we have matching wheels.
  9. Uh-huh ... http://www.adelaideflashmob.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/ninja_crouch.jpg A ninja was here
  10. Good luck with the hunt man.
  11. sol740

    Do Want

    My penor is hard.
  12. I suggested making me an oven mod so I could just ban every noob that comes through here. There was no reply Ben hasn't banned me yet in retaliation to my rejecting his overt, sexual advances. So I suppose we should keep him around, but I swear to god if I wake up to any more Apple products sitting on my pillow I'll change my mind.
  13. Calling in complaining will likely work. Though Uverse is good and priced well-enough. Had it for many months.
  14. do want to want ... may not have a clear schedule though.
  15. Welcome cool collection.
  16. LOL, thanks for extracting that.
  17. , I said that cause at one point my car was wingless, I actually missed the wing so back on it went. Plus its a functional wing. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/1-1.jpg Thanks, and yes I was, my buddy needed a non-drunk.
  18. Thanks folks, I wish I could take fo-tos like Alex and Scott though. Just a 4 MP point and shoot. I seriously need a good camera Oh really ? Why yes I was.
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