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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    Graphics Help

    Punisher Monkey.
  2. Awww ... poor little whale. Johnny McNoob ... lets try this again, with a little more info, and some pics of whatever you own. We all love racing too, so much that if we can't SEE the car we're going to put a beating on, we don't feel so happy.
  3. Should be punishable by a kick in the nuts.
  4. Metal fan here, not too into headbangers ball though.
  5. Phonetically ... and quickly ... and it makes perfect sense.
  6. You trying to take my job !?!?
  7. http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj140/Afro7hundr/BlackSmileyDefault.png http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj140/Afro7hundr/BlackSmileyDefault.png http://i271.photobucket.com/albums/jj140/Afro7hundr/BlackSmileyDefault.png
  8. Go get an STI already ... or an EVO ... you can't take a camaro on the dirt. Or anywhere besides a strip. Well you could ... but you get me. For the price of a new camaro you could buy a late model STI/EVO, and put some serious mods into them. Though I really like the new camaros. So if you get one of those I wanna drive it.
  9. The whale shark is so big that no other sharks even bother him, as he is far too large to be prey, upwards of 60ft long. While he doesn't consume other sharks, he eats literal tons of plankton while trolling the ocean for miles and miles, near constantly feeding, and using his large open mouth like a net. So even though the white sharks, and bull sharks may have the killer instincts, and well documented, and aggressive, feeding habits, its safe to say that the whale shark, is the king of sharks ... so badass that he doesn't even have to be a badass to get respect. Pretty sure that sums up the 'baddest shark in the ocean' thread ... the mods can lock and close now.
  10. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumb_240/1203611904go83Pv.jpg I have no idea whats going on.
  11. The jumping was pretty sweet actually, he was like flippin and shit, my cat just gets fat.
  12. Yes ... scared the bejesuses outta me.
  13. You already have a neon, and lancer to bargain with ...
  14. I will take also take a $100.00 race, just tell him its a lancer.
  15. I'd like to make an appearance.
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