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Everything posted by sol740

  1. sol740

    XBOX One

    Fuck both consoles. I'm getting Oculus Rift.
  2. Congrats. I've never had as much fun in a daily driver. Though the Evo comes close. Looking forward to modding ... at some point.
  3. sol740

    XBOX One

    MS was not providing sufficient value for the perceived loss, used games, friendly borrowing, intrusive check-INS etc. Worse, MS came off so arrogant it almost sounded like they were trying to fuck you over and for almost no reason. And I almost never buy used because I like game developers getting paid. Also the eco-system as a whole doesn't impress me, I have a cable-box, I don't need another. I have zero desire to yell at my TV, or make gestures at it. I have a remote that handles those functions, and with a thousand times less effort. Meanwhile Sony sits back, and just drops the $399 microphone and walks off the stage, laughing up preorders.
  4. sol740

    XBOX One

    Agreed, though I added a slight fix, because Steam still releases most high-profile games above the 49.99 threshold, followed by strategic drops to entice hoards of new buyers at a time. Without manufacturing costs margins are increased, and developers don't have to feel sick about used sales.
  5. sol740

    XBOX One

    Oh, but Sony still fucked up their thumbstick placement, though thankfully the sticks themselves are no longer convex. My claw hand will at least not slip.
  6. sol740

    XBOX One

    Odd how the companies have seemingly reversed positions from the last generational leap. MS ofourse having the cheaper SKU in the 360, easier to code for hardware, and overall more "gamer-friendly" attitude, with Sony building the "It Does Everything" PS3, that was difficult to code for, and with an almost disrespectful hubris about them (the famous "you'll want to work hard to afford it" speech). MS really screwed the pooch, and it's not because of the components, but how horribly they handled it. Online checks and DRM as part of the eco-system can work, but you can't be dickholes about it. Look at Steam, they handle the exact scenario well, no used market or borrowing, bi-weekly (not daily) internet checks, and built-in DRM. They can get away with it though, only because of the cost of games (amazing steam sales), and because your games follow your account PC to PC.
  7. sol740

    House bill 203

    Love it, wish LEO notification was on there but hopefully next time.
  8. That is only partially correct. Yes they caused the entire fiasco, and the guilt of the act (which we all must agree is fucking stupid) lays at their feet. The handling of the situation post-tresselgate is all on Smith. He was the one telling the media openly, that he didn't expect a ban, all but asking to be made an example of. He accepted the Gator Bowl invitation, instead of making that years, shit-bowl a sacrificial offering, which only further made him come off as an over-confident ass. How anyone can defend him with "Compliance" awards is beyond me, unless you were just being humorous.
  9. sol740

    SW Model 649

    Sold, please lock.
  10. Meh, I don't care if he won a Nobel prize for spontaneously creating the "World Peace" god-particle. He cost us a shot at a national championship because of his arrogance. Send him packing.
  11. Right, but just about every single buckeye fan I know called "Urban" for the job the day Tress was fired, I certainly did. Anyways I hope he's right again though .
  12. He's the best at accepting a shit bowl out of pure hubris, at the end of a mediocre season, against a team from a conference that traditionally gives the buckeyes problems, a bowl game we lost , costing us at best a BCS bowl the following year, and at worst a possible national championship. He's definitely the best at doing that. :grin2:
  13. sol740

    Gee retiring

    Notch one up for politically correct pansies. Did I just offend the gays?
  14. Well i'm a liar, I split them up. Still have a Tomb Raider code, let's say 12 bucks. First post and title edited.
  15. Ryan is correct, each is a code, and I can't split them up. Well, I could split Tomb Raider, but I'd rather sell them as one. I'd personally give Bioshock Infinite a 9.5, Tomb Raider a 9.0, Crysis 3 an 8.5 (10 for graphics though, it's gorgeous), and FC3:BD a hilarious 8.0. I already own all of these games or I'd certainly keep.
  16. Tomb Raider code left, asking 12 bucks, will email you the code.
  17. No, edited for clarification.
  18. Up for sale is a 500W Coolermaster PSU. 25 bucks for CR. Don't have a pic, but here's a link to the same model, new. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16817171031 Edit: this was used in my old gaming setup. New setup requires a bit more juice so this one is out, but it works fine, and powered my AMD x4 B55, Radeon 5850 setup without issue.
  19. I still have nightmares about my first quake. http://i84.photobucket.com/albums/k21/sol740/neverforget_zps274ebc8d.jpg
  20. sol740

    SW Model 649

    TTT, offers but no cash in hand yet. Make me an offer.
  21. It's a good thing no one was armed, someone might have been hurt by a wanna-be hero. This outcome is clearly the best you can hope for.
  22. PS4 certainly impressed me more with their conference, and focused more on games and tech, than TV and Kinect, but they didn't fix their controller's analog stick position, which is a cardinal sin.
  23. Having owned each iteration of the Microsoft console at launch, I must say I'm a bit underwhelmed. Make that a lot underwhelmed. I am glad I just built a new gaming PC. I may even sell this 7970, and buy a Titan or 7990, or some other high-end card, around the time these consoles drop, and skip this gen.
  24. sol740

    SW Model 649

    Price drop bump.
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